Pll worksheet, Pll worksheet -26 – Altera PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Manual

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Thermal Power (W)–Routing

This shows the power dissipation due to estimated routing

(in watts).
Routing power depends on placement-and-routing

information, which is a function of design complexity. The

values shown represent the routing power based on

experimentation of more than 100 designs.
For detailed analysis based on your design’s routing, use the

Quartus II PowerPlay Power Analyzer. This value is

automatically calculated.

Thermal Power (W)–Block

This shows the power dissipation due to internal and load

toggling of the I/O (in watts).
For accurate analysis based on your design’s exact I/O

configuration, use the Quartus II PowerPlay Power

Analyzer. This value is automatically calculated.

Thermal Power (W)–Total

This shows the total power dissipation (in watts). The total

power dissipation is the sum of the routing and block

power. This value is automatically calculated.

Supply Current (A)–I


This shows the current drawn from the V


power rail and

powers the internal digital circuitry. This value is automati‐

cally calculated.

Supply Current (A)–I


This shows the current drawn from the V


power rail

and powers the pre-drive circuitry. This value is automati‐

cally calculated.

Supply Current (A)–I


This shows the current drawn from the V


power rail.

Some of this current may be drawn into off-chip termina‐

tion resistors. This value is automatically calculated.

User Comments

Enter any comments. This is an optional entry.

For more information about the I/O standard termination scheme of the supported device families, refer

to the “I/O Features” chapter of the respective device handbook.

PLL Worksheet

Altera FPGA devices feature PLLs for general use. Each row in the PLL worksheet of the PowerPlay EPE

spreadsheet represents one or more PLLs in the device. Enter the maximum output frequency and the

VCO frequency for each PLL. You must also specify whether each PLL is an LVDS, fractional, left/right,

or top/bottom PLL.
When a PLL drives source synchronous SERDES hardware, it is referred to as an LVDS PLL. If you are

using dedicated transmitters or receivers and are using an LVDS PLL to implement serialization or

deserialization, specify an LVDS PLL and enter the power information in the PLL worksheet. LVDS PLLs

drive LVDS clock trees and dynamic phase alignment (DPA) buses at the voltage-controlled oscillator

(VCO) frequency. If an LVDS PLL drives the LVDS hardware only, enter the appropriate VCO frequency

and specify an output frequency of 0 MHz. If the LVDS PLL also drives a clock to a pin or to the core,

specify that clock frequency as the output frequency.


PLL Worksheet



Altera Corporation

PowerPlay Early Power Estimator Worksheets

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