Parameter settings – Altera User Flash Memory User Manual

Page 8

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Figure 5: IP Core Generated Files

1. If supported and enabled for your IP variation
2. If functional simulation models are generated

_bb.v - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
_inst.v or .vhd - Sample instantiation template

synthesis - IP synthesis files

.qip - Lists files for synthesis

testbench - Simulation testbench files 1

- Testbench for supported simulators

.v or .vhd - Top-level IP variation synthesis file

simulation - IP simulation files

.sip - NativeLink simulation integration file

- Simulator setup scripts

- IP core variation files

.qip or .qsys - System or IP integration file

_generation.rpt - IP generation report

.bsf - Block symbol schematic file

.ppf - XML I/O pin information file

.spd - Combines individual simulation startup scripts


.html - Contains memory map

.sopcinfo - Software tool-chain integration file

_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist 1

.debuginfo - Lists files for synthesis

.v, .vhd, .vo, .vho - HDL or IPFS models


_tb - Testbench for supported simulators

_tb.v or .vhd - Top-level HDL testbench file

Parameter Settings

Table 9: ALTUFM_PARALLEL Parameters


Configuration Setting

You can select from the following options: Create a new custom IP core
, Edit an existing custom IP core variation, or Copy an existing
custom IP core variation

Which action do you want to

Select ALTUFM_PARALLEL from the Memory Compiler category.

Select a IP core from the list

Specify the device family that you want to use.

Which device family will you
be using?

Altera User Flash Memory (ALTUFM) IP Core User Guide

Altera Corporation

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Parameter Settings

