Pilz PNOZ e1p 24VDC 2so User Manual

Pnozelog, Fault diagnostics

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Fault diagnostics

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]

During operation, 3 LEDs indicate the units’
operating status and the fault conditions.
The unit is ready for operation when:
● The “POWER” LED lights up
● The LEDs “CH.1” and “CH.2” are both lit

(high signal at the safety outputs)

● The LEDs “CH.1” and “CH.2” are both

out (low signal at the safety outputs).

LED CH.1 is assigned to safety output 14,
LED CH.2 to safety output 24.

Supply interruptions lasting longer
than 20 ms are detected as an error.
The LEDs indicate an error and the
safety outputs carry a low signal. The
plant or machinery driven via the
safety outputs will be shut down. The
unit can only be restarted by
switching the supply voltage off and
then on again.


LEDs unlit

POWER flashing

PNOZ e1p: CH.1 and Ch.2 periodically flash at

the same time

All units except




except PNOZ e6.1p, PNOZ e6vp: CH.1

and CH.2 flash alternately

PNOZ e6.1p, PNOZ e6vp: CH.1 and CH.2 flash


PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p: CH.1 or




or CH.2 flashes

briefly (50 ms on, 250 ms off)

PNOZ e2.1p, PNOZ e2.2p: CH.1 and




and CH.2

flash briefly (50 ms on, 250 ms off)

CH.1 or CH.2 flash a code


Supply voltage is missing, too low, wrongly


Unknown operating mode, initialisation phase, start

not executed

Error in the wiring of input circuit S11, S12, S21,


1.) Feedback loop open on start-up

2.) Only one channel of the input circuit is open or

is partially operated

1.) Feedback loop open on start-up

2.) Only one channel of the input circuit is open or

is partially operated

3.) External feedback loop closed on start-up, but

internal feedback loop faulty

Simultaneity conditions not met

A pushbutton is defective or there is a wiring error

Error coding, see Table 3


Apply supply voltage: A1 - +24 VDC and

A2 - 0 VDC

Permitted voltage range: 19.2 ... 30 VDC

Depending on operating mode: Press reset button

or perform start-up test

Rectify wiring error, restart unit

1.) Close feedback loop, open input circuit, start

unit again

2.) Open both input circuit channels

1.) Close feedback loop, open input circuit, start

unit again

2.) Open both input circuit channels

3.) No remedy available to user - send unit to Pilz

Release the two-hand button and press it again.

Change pushbutton or rectify wiring error

See Table 3

Table 1: Display of fault conditions


Fault conditions are indicated by flashing
the LEDs. Some errors are displayed
through periodic flashing (see Table 1); with
other errors it is possible to establish an
error code through the number of flashes
(Table 2).
These errors are always indicated by three
short flashes at LED CH.1 or CH.2. After a
longer pause, the LED will then flash at one

second intervals. The number of LED
flashes corresponds to a digit in the error
code. The error code can consist of up to 4
digits. The digits are separated by a longer
period without flashing. The entire sequence
is constantly repeated.

The error code can also be read into a PLC
via the diagnostic output. In this case the
error code will appear as a hexadecimal
sequence. The process of reading and

transferring data to a PLC is described in
the PLC Drivers manual.

Leading zeros are not transmitted.
Error code 0: 16 flashes