Turning Technologies TurningPoint AnyWhere User Manual
Page 67

TurningPoint AnyWhere User Guide
Exporting Session Data
There is an example export at the bottom of the window showing a sample based on the settings
specified. Observe this example the format settings are changed in the next few steps to ensure it
matches your expectations.
Specify the order of the fields in the exported file by moving the fields up and down the list, by
selecting the field and dragging it to the desired location.
Additionally, two fields can be joined together or include blank fields in the exported file. Use the Action
Item button below the list of fields to insert a blank field or join one or more fields. Blank fields can be
moved and joined to fields up and down the list just like the other fields.
A blank field puts a blank separator between fields. Depending on how the exported file will be used,
some data may need separated with blank fields.
A join field joins the previous field and the following field into a single field. or example, this may be
done to the First Name and Last Name fields.
Specify whether to create a delimited or fixed-width file.
A delimited file includes a “delimiter” between each of the fields. A comma, semicolon, tab, space, or
user defined delimiter can be selected.
A fixed-width file uses fields of a specified width (number of characters).Widths for the fields can be
The format you chosen depends on how the exported file will be used.
Specify whether to use double quotes, single quotes, or no quotes to enclose the text in fields.
When finished modifying the settings for the format of the file, click Continue.
The Export Data window displays the data in the format to be exported.
Below the data is an Action Item button in the bottom left corner. Click the down arrow and select to
save the export as either a text file (.txt) or an export scheme (.tpx) to be used with other session files.
To save the export data, click the Action Item button and select Save Export.
Either double or single quotes should be used for
the text qualifier if exporting a fixed-width file or
using spaces as delimiters in a delimited file.
Without quotes, the field boundaries in the
exported file will be impossible to interpret