Turning Technologies Triton Web User Manual

Page 55

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Triton Data Collection System


COD Congo, the Democratic
Republic of the

LIE Liechtenstein

SYC Seychelles

COG Congo

LKA Sri Lanka

SYR Syrian Arab Republic

COK Cook Islands

LSO Lesotho

TCA Turks and Caicos Islands

COL Colombia

LTU Lithuania

TCD Chad

COM Comoros

LUX Luxembourg

TGO Togo

CPV Cape Verde

LVA Latvia

THA Thailand

CRI Costa Rica

MAC Macao

TJK Tajikistan

CUB Cuba

MAF Saint Martin (French part)

TKL Tokelau

CXR Christmas Island

MAR Morocco

TKM Turkmenistan

CYM Cayman Islands

MCO Monaco

TLS Timor-Leste

CYP Cyprus

MDA Moldova, Republic of

TON Tonga

CZE Czech Republic

MDG Madagascar

TTO Trinidad and Tobago

DEU Germany

MDV Maldives

TUN Tunisia

DJI Djibouti

MEX Mexico

TUR Turkey

DMA Dominica

MHL Marshall Islands

TUV Tuvalu

DNK Denmark

MKD Macedonia, the former
Yugoslav Republic of

TWN Taiwan, Province of China

DOM Dominican Republic

MLI Mali

TZA Tanzania, United Republic of

DZA Algeria

MLT Malta

UGA Uganda

ECU Ecuador

MMR Myanmar

UKR Ukraine

EGY Egypt

MNE Montenegro

UMI United States Minor Outlying

ERI Eritrea

MNG Mongolia

URY Uruguay

ESH Western Sahara

MNP Northern Mariana Islands

USA United States

ESP Spain

MOZ Mozambique

UZB Uzbekistan

EST Estonia

MRT Mauritania

VAT Holy See (Vatican City State)

ETH Ethiopia

MSR Montserrat

VCT Saint Vincent and the

FIN Finland

MTQ Martinique

VEN Venezuela, Bolivarian
Republic of

FJI Fiji

MUS Mauritius

VGB Virgin Islands, British

FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

MWI Malawi

VIR Virgin Islands, U.S.

FRA France

MYS Malaysia

VNM Viet Nam

FRO Faroe Islands

MYT Mayotte

VUT Vanuatu

FSM Micronesia, Federated States

NAM Namibia

WLF Wallis and Futuna

GAB Gabon

NCL New Caledonia

WSM Samoa

GBR United Kingdom

NER Niger

YEM Yemen