SpectraCal VMWare Fusion User Manual

Vmware fusion calman setup guide

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VMware Fusion

CalMAN Setup Guide

CalMAN calibration software can be run under Microsoft Windows® within a VMware Fusion
virtual machine, on a Mac computer. This enables CalMAN to be used to calibrate external
video displays and monitors with the same functionality as if CalMAN were installed on a
dedicated Windows PC.
Also, any calibration of the host Mac computer that could be performed from CalMAN installed
on a remote dedicated Windows PC can be performed from CalMAN installed on a Windows
virtual machine, within VMware Fusion on the host Mac computer.

Required CalMAN version:

5.2.0 or newer

VMware Fusion version:

Fusion 6 or newer recommended

Note: CalMAN can also be run in a Parallels virtual machine, but due to occasional USB device driver
issues, Parallels is not currently recommended.

VMware Fusion configuration

To optimize VMware Fusion for CalMAN with a Windows 7 or Windows 8 virtual machine.

1. Close Windows in the Fusion virtual machine (Start, Shut down).

2. Click the VMware Settings button (wrench icon) at the top of the Fusion screen to open the

Settings page, as shown in the following figure.