SpectraCal CalMAN for SCRATCH Plug-In User Manual

Page 11

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7. Display Validation section
In the Display Validation section of the Color Cube workflow, you can verify the accuracy of the resulting
display calibration.

To validate the 3D LUT display calibration:

1. In SCRATCH, under Settings / Monitor, be sure that the Apply LUT button is enabled for the

target monitor.

2. On the CalMAN Validate Calibration and/or on the Advanced Linearity page, click the Read

Series button to make a complete series of validation measurements.

3. Observe the calibrated max and avg performance data.

To compare display performance with the 3D LUT bypassed:

1. On the Gamma & ColorChecker and/or on the Advance Linearity validation page, click the

“+” to the right of the History 1 tab, to create a new History 2 data tab (right click a tab to
rename it).

2. In SCRATCH, under Settings / Monitor, disable the Apply LUT button to bypass the display

calibration LUT.

3. Click the Read Series button to make a complete series of validation measurements on the

History 2 tab.

4. Observe the uncalibrated max and avg performance data.

5. Compare to the calibrated performance data on the History 1 tab.

6. Return the Apply LUT button to its enabled state.

On any of the Display Validation pages, click the Save button to save the measurement and 3D LUT data.