Omnilink 5000 feed manual – LINK Systems OmniLink - Feed Interface User Manual
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OmniLink 5000 Feed Manual
December 13, 1999
Manual Rev 2.3
Length Units -
This is the unit in which to enter
feed length values. Using the arrow keys, position
the highlight cursor on this field and hit the
“CHANGE SETTING” softkey until the desired
length unit appears. This can be inch or millimeter.
Note that this does not have to match the units the
feed uses - the OmniLink will do the required unit
conversion if necessary. This means, for instance,
that the feed can take its units in inches, but feed
length can be entered in millimeters on the
OmniLink screen. The entered number will then be
converted to inches and sent to the feed. Near the
bottom of the screen (see example in figure 3.4), is
a sample format for length. It shows the number of
digits, decimal place, and unit based on the choice
in this field.
Speed Units
This is the unit in which to enter
feed speed values. Using the arrow keys, position
the highlight cursor on this field and hit the
“CHANGE SETTING” softkey until the desired
speed unit appears. This can be in in/sec, in/min,
mm/sec, % full scale, or unitless. The unitless
setting will pass whatever number is entered straight
to the feed with no conversions. Any other setting
will cause the necessary conversion to be performed
on the number before sending it to the feed. For
instance, a feed may take speed in in/sec. If this
setting is set for mm/sec, then a feed speed number
entered on the OmniLink feed screen will be
converted to in/sec before sending it to the feed.
Near the bottom of the screen (see example in figure
3.4), is a sample format for speed. It shows the
number of digits, decimal place, and unit based on
the choice in this field.
Accel Units (only for certain feeds)
This is the
unit in which to enter feed acceleration values.
Using the arrow keys, position the highlight cursor
on this field and hit the “CHANGE SETTING”
softkey until the desired acceleration unit appears.
This can be in/sec
, mm/sec
, % full scale, or
unitless. The unitless setting will pass whatever
number is entered straight to the feed with no
conversions. Any other setting will cause the
necessary conversion to be performed on the
number before sending it to the feed. For instance,
a feed may take speed in in/sec
. If this setting is set
for mm/sec
, then a feed acceleration number
entered on the OmniLink feed screen will be
converted to in/sec
before sending it to the feed.
Near the bottom of the screen (see example in figure
3.4), is a sample format for acceleration. It shows
the number of digits, decimal place, and unit based
on the choice in this field.
Max Speed
This should be set to
maximum feed speed for the feed. Note that the
units displayed to the right of the value should be
set as well. To change the max speed, use the arrow
keys to move the highlight cursor to the numeric
max speed field. Enter the desired max speed using
the numeric keypad and hit the “ENTER” key. To
change the max speed units, use the arrow keys to
move the highlight cursor the max speed units field
(to the right of the number). Hit the “CHANGE
SETTING” softkey until the desired units appear
(choices are in/sec, in/min, and mm/sec). These
values are used in three ways.
First, they will not allow a feed speed setting
greater than this number to be entered.
Second, feeds that support only a “percent of
full scale” speed value can be made to accept speed
in whatever unit is entered for the “Speed Units”
setting. For instance, if 1000 in/sec has been
entered as the max speed of a feed that requires
speed in percentage of full scale, then an entry of
500 in/sec for the feed speed will cause “50%” to be
sent to the feed.
Third, feeds that do not accept percent of full
scale speed entry can be made to if “% Full Scale”
is selected in the “Speed Units” setting. For
example, if 1000 in/sec has been entered for the
max speed of a feed that requires speed in in/sec,
then an entry of 50% will cause 500 in/sec to be
sent to the feed.
Max Accel (only for certain feeds)
T h i s
should be set to the maximum feed acceleration for