Mini fx evaluation kit, Shortstack fx developer’s kit, Programming – Echelon LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User Manual

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LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide



The NodeBuilder FX Development Tool generates application image files

automatically with each build. After a build is successfully completed using the

correct device template file, the next step is to commit the program image to the

program memory device using a PROM programmer or an in-circuit programmer.

The program images are created in the device directory, with a base file name

that matches the device name:

An FT 5000 Control Module is initially programmed using the serial

EEPROM image file (device_name.NME). See Using an Aardvark

I2C/SPI Host Adapter on page 36 for information about using the

Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter with the Flash Center Memory

Programmer software.

PROM-based devices are programmed using the Neuron ROM image file


Flash-based control modules are initially programmed using the Neuron

EEPROM/Flash image file (device_name.NEI).

Important: When programming flash memory, the part must be explicitly

secured with Software Data Protection (SDP) enabled by the PROM programmer.

If this feature is not supported by the PROM programmer, the program memory

could become corrupted.

Mini FX Evaluation Kit

Echelon’s Mini FX Evaluation Kit is a tool for evaluating the development of

control network applications with the ISO/IEC 14908-1 (ANSI/CEA-709.1 and

EN14908) Control Network Protocol. You can use the Mini FX Evaluation Kit to

develop a prototype or production control system that requires networking,

particularly in the rapidly growing, price-sensitive mass markets of smart light

switches, thermostats, and other simple devices and sensors. You can also use

the Mini FX Evaluation Kit to evaluate the development of applications for such

control networks using the L





The Mini FX Evaluation Kit (or later) is required to build applications for Series

5000 devices.
For more information about using the Mini FX Evaluation Kit, see the Mini

FX/FT Quick Start and the Mini FX User’s Guide.

ShortStack FX Developer’s Kit

You can use the ShortStack FX Developer’s Kit to develop host-based L




devices that use the LonTalk


Compact API and a ShortStack Micro Server.

A ShortStack Micro Server is a Series 3100 Smart Transceiver, an FT 5000

Smart Transceiver, or a Neuron 5000 Processor, with firmware that implements

layers 2 to 5 (and part of layer 6) of the LonTalk protocol. The host processor

implements the application layer (layer 7) and part of the presentation layer

(layer 6).
The ShortStack firmware allows you to use almost any host processor for your

device’s application and I/O. The Smart Transceiver or Neuron 5000 Processor