Cino FA470 User Manual
Page 155

Command Descriptions
< Table 6-4-1 > Set BT Operation Parameter(s) Field (Continued)
Parameter / PID / Size
UPC/EAN Security Level
PID : 02h 06h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 01h
- 02h
Level 0
Level 1 *
Level 2
Supplement Scan Voting
PID : 02h 08h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 06h
- 08h
- 0Ah
- 0Ch
- 0Eh
- 10h
- 12h
- 14h
- 16h
- 18h
- 1Ah
- 1Ch
- 1Eh
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3 *
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Operation Mode
(Bluetooth F & L Series)
PID : 50h 00h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 02h
Trigger mode (External triggering) *
Presentation mode (Auto Detection)
Batch Scanning Link Control
PID : 51h 00h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 01h
Radio Disable
Radio Enable *
Stored Data Transmission
PID : 51h 01h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 01h
- 02h
All *
Scan Barcode
Delete Stored Data After
PID : 51h 02h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 01h
Disable *
Field Delimiter
PID : 51h 03h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 2Ch
- 20h
- 2Dh
- 2Eh
- XXh
<,> *
User-defined 00~7Fh
Batch Data Quantity Output
PID : 51h 04h
Size : 00h 01h (1 Byte)
- 00h
- 01h
- 02h
As many times as the quantity indicates *
If you are using the SmartCradle to communicate with the Scanner, “BT Synchronization” command
should be sent to the scanner after the setting of the “Field Delimiter” to sync the Scanner with the
SmartCradle, so that the settings will take effect immediately.