Intellisense, Manual – Bimba IntelliSens User Manual

Page 43

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baseline. If numerous snapshots are being taken within short periods of time that show an oscillation of performance,
i.e. a decrease in the performance parameter followed by an increase, the sample size should be increased to reduce
this fluctuation. For more details on setting up event detection, refer to the section in this manual:

Event Detection

The legend below, the table of data, explains each of the column names with units.

Selecting the Download Events button downloads all of the event snapshot data in a comma-separated value file
(CSV) for further analysis in a spreadsheet or database program.

Figure 53: Event log

Figure 54: Event log legend

Events Reason

When an Event is logged by the SIM unit it records the Reason the event was triggered. These events are coded as

• A value of 0 can mean three things.

o This is the initial event snapshot.

o Was a user commanded “Baseline” snapshot. It’s recommended to take “Baseline” snapshot using

a cycle count different then the “Sampling Window” so it can be easily identified.

o The event was triggered by the improvements of the tracked parameters.

• A value of 4 means the event was triggered by the extend time window changing in the positive direction

equal or greater than the value of the “Extend/Retract time” change parameter.

• A value of 8 means the event was triggered by the extend time window changing in the negative direction

equal or greater than the value of the “Extend/Retract time” change parameter.