Intellisense, Manual – Bimba IntelliSens User Manual
Page 15

Data Gateway Cylinders / SIMs
This page is for adding connections to SIMs that the Data Gateway will monitor. For more information, refer to the fol-
lowing section in this document:
Add or Configure a SIM on the PC or Gateway.
Data Gateway User Administration
The Data Gateway has user access control and multiple users can be set up with three levels of access privileges.
The three user levels are:
All users have read access
Modify SIM
The user is able to modify the SIM parameters
Modify Gateway The user is able to modify the Gateway parameters
To get to the user setup screen, select the Configuration tab on the left of the screen and the Users tab at the top of
the screen. A list of names for the currently set up users will show.
Figure 35: User account managment
To edit any user, select the name in the list. To add a new user, select the “Add New User” command. In both cases,
the edit user window will show. The following can be entered or changed:
Username: Case sensitive. 3 characters minimum
Password: Case sensitive. 5 characters minimum
User can modify SIM: the user is able to modify the SIM parameters
User can modify Data Gateway: the user is able to modify Gateway parameters
Add/Save: Saves the entered changes
Cancel: None of the entered changes are saved
Delete: To delete an existing user.
Figure 36: User Setup