Intellisense, Manual – Bimba IntelliSens User Manual
Page 32

Update SIM Firmware
If it is necessary to update the SIM firmware, this can be performed with a file downloaded to the user’s machine or
one that resides on the data gateway.
Select the Update SIM firmware command to launch the pop up window:
Figure 26: SIM Firmware update
PC update:
1. Download the latest SIM firmware to a location accessible from your computer.
2. Select the “Choose File” command.
3. With the file explorer in your browser, select the firmware update.
4. The update will be applied.
Data Gateway updates:
This option requires that the gateway is connected to the internet.
1. The pop-up list box displays firmware files that reside on the gateway.
2. To check if there are any newer files available, select the “About” tab in the left column of the screen, and
then select the “Software” tab.
3. The software list will show the current firmware version residing on the data gateway. If there is a newer
version available, a command button will show allowing it to be downloaded to the Data Gateway. If the
firmware version is the latest available, the message “Up To Date” will show.
Figure 27: IntelliSense
Data Gateway check for new firmware