American Energy Systems O2 Catalytic User Manual
Page 8

Why consider a Country Flame Technologies catalytic stove for your home?
During the 1970’s Americans became obsessed with both indoor and outdoor air quality. By the early 1980’s America’s
obsession turned into governmental regulatory controls as the screams for improved air quality reached fever pitch.
Someone coined the phrase “fugitive emissions” and government agencies sprang into action to define, document, and
control fugitive emissions being released into the atmosphere from just about any source imaginable.
Of course, government involvement meant that dozens of laboratories sprang into action to begin the study of fugitive
emissions. Soon government laboratories had full-fledged programs studying the wood burning fireplace and stove
industry. The objective: to define the atmospheric (fugitive) emissions that was resulting from the use of every fireplace
or stove. At this historic point in time, the fireplace manufacturing industry changed from “art form to science” and
spelled the doom of literally thousands of small “mom and pop” manufacturers.
The fireplace industry had long understood the correlation between the three parts of a fire: a) fuel, b) oxygen, and c) heat
but the exacting theory of mixing these basic items and the resultants (emissions) eluded even the most sophisticated pre-
1970 fireplace manufacturer. Not the government laboratories! Quantification (defining numbers) was a government
specialty and thousands of papers were written on non-airtight and airtight fireplace combustion. These learned papers
defined and quantified every aspect of wood burning particulate emissions.
The laboratory findings were conclusive. In 1970, wood stoves did emit large amounts of what has come to be known as
polycyclic organic matter, or POM’s. Many of these POM emissions were known to be carcinogens (meaning cancer
causing.) Armed with new documented science and an overabundance of evidence caused the Regulator Agencies to
spring into action. Soon draft government (federal and state) regulations were proposed that would establish limits on the
emissions of just about every fuel-burning device, including wood burning products. Once these government regulations
were rumored to be just a vote away, fireplace manufacturers sprang into action to design product that would meet the
new evolving emissions criteria.
Country Flame Technologies was part of that late 1970’s push to produce cleaner burning fireplace and stoves. Like all
fireplace manufacturers, Country Flame asked the question, HOW CAN EMISSIONS BE CONTROLLED? The answer
was as simple as the question, ENSURE FIREPLACES BURN 100% EFFICIENT. 100% BURN EFFICIENCY
ENSURES ALL UNACCEPTABLE EMISSIONS ARE ELIMINATED. It is always easier to state the problem and an
answer than it is to put it into practice. Country Flame engineers remained undaunted. In the early 1980’s Country Flame
Technologies began work on a full line of catalytic wood burning insert stoves. Country Flame’s catalytic stoves have
evolved into an efficient and clean wood-burning product line.
Most likely, if you have read this far, you are strongly thinking about or have purchased a Country Flame catalytic stove.
After almost three decades of continuously developing this line of products, all of us at Country Flame are very proud of
this American born, American tested, and American produced product. With a sense of pride and dedication, our
employees wish you and your family a lifetime of happiness and warmth with a Country Flame catalytic stove. On behalf
of Country Flame, THANK YOU.