American Energy Systems RT080 User Manual
Vacuum pressure switch part #rt080

F:\AESBusinessSystems\AES Technical\Piece part instructions\RT080 Vaccum Pressure Switch.doc
Vacuum Pressure Switch
Part #RT080
for Models BabyC, Winchester, Essex, T40
• Both vacuum pressures switch use the same part number, RT080.
Photo 1 is the Clark Controls vacuum pressure switch (bracket installed on switch).
Photo 2 is the World Magnetics vacuum pressure switch.
We recommend that every 2-3 years check the vacuum pressure switch and if it is not
operating properly replace it. If the appliance is in a high humidity environment, in the
basement, etc. the contacts will rust sitting over the summer and then they might not
work properly.
• The RT080 Clark Controls Vacuum Pressure Switch has a bracket attached. It must be installed
horizontally to the base of the stove, with 2 screws (#8 x 1/2 tek, ZP 1/4" hex head).
Photo 1
RT080 Clark Controls
Vacuum Pressure Switch
Photo 2
RT080 World
Magnetics Vacuum
Pressure Switch
RT080 World
Magnetics Vacuum
Pressure Switch
RT080 Clark Controls
Vacuum Pressure Switch