American Energy Systems O2 Catalytic User Manual

Page 10

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The purchase of a Country Flame Technologies catalytic stove is usually made based on its looks, its heating capacity, and
because of reduced emissions (clean and efficient burn.) Once the catalytic unit has been properly installed in a home,
usually the next question asked by the homeowner is how can a catalytic stove’s favorable operational characteristics be
maintained over the life of the product?

In 2004, the study of woodstove emissions and woodstove efficiency remains a strongly debated issue. “Experts” use
significantly different methodologies to arrive at often-conflicting conclusions. One thing is for certain, these same
experts unanimously agree on one aspect of a stove’s pollution and creosote production process: All stove studies
conclude that a homeowner’s operating procedure dramatically impacts the production of POM’s (fugitive emission) more
than any other single factor that has been examined over the past 20 years! BOTTOM LINE: a homeowner must
understand and operate a catalytic stove correctly to maintain its cleanliness and efficiency!

Catalytic stove theory is quite simple. The catalytic combustor begins oxidizing carbon monoxide and other flue gases
around 600


F. With the bypass flue open, the stove operates as a non-catalytic stove and fugitive emissions escape up the

chimney unrestricted. As the stove reaches 700


F degrees, close the bypass flue. All emissions are then forced to travel

through the combustor on their way to the chimney. As the stove’s temperature continues to rise, the combustor ignites
more particulates effectively burning these emissions. This secondary combustion, as it is called, occurs traditionally at
temperatures 300


F to 600


F degrees lower than in non-catalytic stoves. Once “light-off” of the catalytic combustor

occurs, the overall efficiency and cleanliness of burn is dramatically improved in a catalytic stove.

The catalytic combustor creates a secondary burn process that “scrubs” the exhaust emissions producing a cleaner exhaust
gas. When operated properly, the Country Flame catalytic stove benefits are a) improved efficiency, b) longer burn times,
c) reduced chimney fire potential, and d) reduced operating costs. In order to maintain the Country Flame warranty, the
catalytic combustor must be properly engaged at all times during operation. Removing the combustor is dangerous and
can lead to uncontrolled or over firing. Operation of the stove with the combustor removed instantly voids Country
Flame’s warranty. Further, operating a woodstove in any manner that is restricted by Country Flame can cause a
homeowner’s insurance policy to be negatively affected. REMEMBER: Federal Law requires all catalytic woodstoves
to be maintained and operated with combustors in place over the life of the stove.

The catalytic combustor is a honeycomb ceramic and noble metal device. The catalytic combustor initiates combustion of
secondary gases at lower temperatures than would be possible without the combustor installed while not destroying itself.
Most modern catalytic combustors are designed to survive over 12,000 hours of continuous use. Operator use, firing
practices, and the type of fuel used can all negatively affect the life expectancy of the combustor. Signs of combustor
problems include increased smoke from the chimney, creosote accumulation, poor performance of the unit, continued
firebox smoking, and an increase in fuel consumption. Here are five ways to produce cleaner air when operating a
catalytic woodstove:

1. Use the largest diameter log that is practical in a particular model.
2. Build as small a fire as practical.
3. Keep the firebox hot and attempt to maintain a constant stove temperature.
4. Do not dramatically change draft settings. Gradual draft changes improve performance.
5. Avoid excessively dry or wet fuel. 20 to 25% moisture content in wood is good.

NEVER FORGET: Correct operation of a catalytic woodstove is key to its efficiency and life expectancy!