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be numbered as DIVE 1, the second as DIVE 2,
the third as DIVE 3, etc.
If you start a new dive in less than 10 minutes at
the surface, the Spyder interprets this as a con-
tinuation of the previous dive and the dives are
considered to be one and the same. The diving
display will return, the dive number will remain
unchanged, and the dive time will begin where
it left off. After 10 minutes on the surface, sub-
sequent dives are by definition repetitive. The
dive counter displayed in the Planning Mode will
progress to the next higher number if another
dive is made.
4.4.2 Flying After Diving
The no-flying time is shown in the center win-
dow next to the airplane image. The airplane is
a reminder, when the alternative display show-
ing surface time is on (Figures 4.23 and 4.24).
Flying or traveling to a higher altitude should be
avoided at any time the airplane symbol is
The no-flying time displayed by the Spyder is
always at least 12 hours or equivalent to the so-
called desaturation time (if longer than 12 hours).
Fig 4.24 Surface interval,
display II. The desaturation
time/no-flying time, indicated
by an airplane symbol, is 11 h
25 min. The maximum depth
of the dive was 29.8 m [98 ft].