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Display at the Ceiling Zone
When you reach the ceiling zone, the display will
show you two arrows pointing at each other (the
hourglass icon, Fig 4.20). Do not ascend above
this depth zone.
During decompression, ASC TIME will count
down toward zero. When the ceiling moves up-
wards, you can ascent to the new ceiling. You
may surface only when the ascent time reaches
zero and the CEILING/ASC TIME is replaced
Display above the Ceiling
If you ascend above the ceiling, a downward
pointing arrow will appear and a continuous
beeping starts (Fig. 4.21). In addition, an error
warning Er reminds you that you have only three
minutes to correct the situation. You must im-
mediately descend to or below the ceiling.
If you continue to violate the decompression, the
Spyder goes into a permanent Error Mode. In this
Fig. 4. 20 Decompression dive, at
the ceiling zone. The two arrows
point at each other (hour
glass). You are at the ceiling
zone at 3.5 m [11 ft] and your
minimum ascent time is 4
Fig. 4.21 Decompression dive, above ceiling. Note the
downward pointing arrow and the Er warning. You will
also hear an audible alarm. You should immediately
(within 3 minutes) descend to or below the ceiling.