Rev-A-Shelf SBDT-Series User Manual
Page 3

Sink/Vanity Base Applications
Existing Construction (floor plumbing present)
Measure the inside width and
depth of your base cabinet.
Note: When measuring the depth,
make sure to include the face frame
To trim your Drip Tray, only a utility
knife and straight edge is required. Begin
by scoring the cut line several times and
simply break on the score line. You can
also do this using a powered saw, but is
not necessary.
Everyone’s plumbing configurations are different
so you will need to measure each of the location of each
pipe that comes up through cabinet base. You will then
need to transfer these exact locations to your drip tray
and cut out.
Since the Drip Tray fits over the face frame and
in most cases a center mullion, you will need to trim
Drip Tray to fit flush to the front. A utility knife may
be used to make the cuts, but a power tool (jig saw,
scroll saw, etc) might give you a little more control.