Rev-A-Shelf RAS-CIB COVER-R-52 User Manual
Rev-A-Shelf For Home

Step 1. Remove Ball Bearing slides from unit, by extending
them fully, depressing the black release lever, and pulling apart
from the remainder of the slide assembly.
Step 2. For face frame cabinet installation create a pair of
side spacers by cutting a piece of wood at least 2½” tall,
and as thick as the distance the face frame protrudes from
the inside edge of the cabinet. Install it into the inside
of the cabinet parallel with front opening. This is not
necessary with frameless cabinet designs.
Step 3. Mark the location of the front mounting hole
by measuring UP 1¾” from the LOWEST point of
your opening and BACK ¼” from the front of the
opening. Once marked install slides to side of
cabinet insuring they are level.
Tools Needed for Installation:
10mm Open/Boxed end wrench
Phillips Screwdriver
Tape Measure
Marking Pen
5mm Allen Wrench (Included)
Double Sided Tape (Included)
(18) #8x1/2” Flat Head Mounting Screws (Included)
The Ironing Board is designed to mount in closet and vanity
cabinets with widths between 14-1/4” and 21”,
as well as depths of at least 16” for the IB-16-CR,
and 20” for the IB-18-CR.
Step 4. Using the 5mm Allen wrench, and 10mm wrench,
remove the board and front support from the friction slide units.
Step 5. Once the ironing board, and front support is
removed. Re-assemble the slides as shown.