PRG Best Boy Wash User Manual User Manual

Page 90

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Digital data signals transmitted from each luminaire to the console. Only one luminaire may transmit at a time, in
response to a request from the console.


Control protocol from a lighting console or interface.

Splitter (Isolator)

Device used to optically isolate and split a DMX512 signal.

Note: A DMX "two-fer" cannot be used to divide a signal.


To energize a luminaire arc lamp (applies to arc-lamp luminaires only).


A special lighting effect which produces multiple rapid bursts of high intensity light.


Termination refers to the dampening of DMX signal at the end of the transmission line. Termination is created by
placing a 100 ohm resistor between pins 2 and 3 of the DMX line. Often, there is a switch on DMX devices to do this
internally. If not, a terminator is provided in the form of an XLR connector with the proper resistor between pins 2 and
3 to be placed in the DMX Thru port on the device.


The movement of the luminaire around the axis of the tilt tube.


Control of the duration of the change of the variable parameters of some automated luminaires and other devices in a
lighting system.

Timing Channel

A Timing Channel is used in lieu of cue fade rate to determine the time it will take a luminaire to move from one setting
to another. For example, a cue in which a luminaire pans from one side of stage to the other may look "steppy" if cue
fade rate is used, because of the nature of the DMX512 signal. To overcome this, a timing channel allows the luminaire
to calculate the move "in time," effectively smoothing out the movement.

Zero Position

Pan and Tilt values at 50%. Also called "Home Position" or a "50/50" cue or group.