Pan/tilt screen, Communication screen – PRG Best Boy Wash User Manual User Manual

Page 42

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Pan/Tilt Screen


Invert Pan / Invert Tilt - displays current invert settings. Press to
bring up Invert Yes/No options. When inverted, pan/tilt will move in
the opposite direction.


Swap - displays current swap setting. Press to bring up Swap Pan/
Tilt Yes/No options. When swapped, the pan channel will control tilt
and vice versa.


Free Mode: Pan & Tilt - displays the current Free Mode setting.
(Free Mode allows the luminaire to be used as a follow spot.) Press
to bring up options: None, Pan, Tilt, or Both.

Once configured, any Pan/Tilt settings will be displayed in the CONFIG
panel of the Home screen as shown in the example to the right.

The Pan/Tilt settings will be retained even if the luminaire is powered off.

Press (X) to return to

Lamp Screen


Communication Screen


Control - displays current DMX512 control values. Values will be
highlighted in green when changing.


Info - displays current source (DMX512 or Art-Net/Ethernet),
number of bytes in the frame, update rate, and universe number (if
Art-Net). Press INFO to bring up the Comm Stats screen.


Comm Loss - configures how long to wait before the fixture fades
to black upon loss of comm data. Press COMM LOSS to bring up
"Set Trigger Fade After" option. Set to No Fade, 30 Seconds or 60
Seconds. (Also refer to

"Configuring Comm Loss Setting"


page 27.)

Press (X) to return to

Home Screen


Pan/Tilt Screen

Comm Screen

Comm Stats Screen