System checkout – Potter PFC-5000 Series User Manual
Page 25

System Checkout
Before Turning The Power On...
1. To prevent sparking, do not connect the batteries. Connect the batteries after powering the system from the main AC
2. Check that all modules are installed in the proper location with the proper connections.
3. Check all fi eld (external) wiring for opens, shorts, and ground.
4. Check that all interconnection cables are secure, and that all connectors are plugged-in properly.
5. Check all jumpers and switches for proper setting.
6. Check the AC power wiring for proper connection.
7. Check that the chassis is connected to Earth Ground (cold water pipe).
8. Make sure to close the front cover plate before powering the system from main AC supply.
Power-up Procedure
1. After completing the System Checkout procedures, power-up the panel. The “AC-ON” green LED should illuminate, the
“Common Trouble” LED should illuminate, and the buzzer should sound.
2. Press the System Reset button. Since the batteries are not connected, the “Battery Trouble” LED should illuminate, and the
buzzer should sound intermittently, and the Common Trouble LED should fl ash.
3. Connect the batteries while observing correct polarity; the red wire is positive (+) and black wire is negative (-). All
indicators should extinguish except for normal power “AC-ON” green LED.
4. Confi gure the fi re alarm control panel as described in the System Confi guration section on page 28.
Circuit Trouble
Normally when a circuit trouble occurs, its designated trouble indicator will be illuminated, as well as the
Common Trouble indicator and Trouble buzzer. To correct the fault, check for open wiring on that particular
circuit loop or see if the circuit disconnect switch is in the ON or CLOSED position. Note: disconnecting a
circuit will cause a system trouble (off-normal position).
Remote Fail
The panel will display a Remote Fail for any failure reported by, or failure to communicate with a remote
annunciator, UDACT-9100, or PR-5100.
Ground Fault
The PFC-5000 panel has a Common Ground Fault Detector. To correct the fault, check for any external
wiring touching the chassis or other earth ground connection.
Battery Trouble
Check for the presence of batteries and their conditions. Low voltage (below 20.4V) will cause a battery
trouble with steady yellow illumination of “Battery Trouble” indicator. If battery trouble condition
persists, replace the batteries as soon as possible.
Charger Trouble
Internal Battery Charger fault is indicated with a slow fl ash of “Battery Trouble” indicator. This fault will
require factory repair.
Common Trouble
Initiating Circuit, Auxiliary power, or 4-wire positive terminal shorts to negative power supply will result
in a common trouble only. There are no individual indicators for these trouble types. If UDACT is used
only common trouble is reported, there are no unique UDACT reporting codes.