Oakworks Spine Positioning System User Manual
Page 9
of Componen
0552-06 8” x 16” rectangular adjuster pad
The wider 8” x 16” Rectangular Adjuster pad can be used either individually or
combined to allow those with a shorter humerus to allow the forearm and elbow
to rest and stabilize on a flat surface. Additionally, these can be used as the 7” x
12 adjuster pads are utilized, with a wider support.
4402-06 7” x 12” rectangular adjuster pad
The 7” x 12” Rectangular Adjuster pads are used either individually or combined to
reduce lumbar lordosis and/or increase chest height to allow for shoulders to natural-
ly decend out of the plane of the cervical and thoracic spine. These pads offer a wide
range of flexibility for general patient positioning and stabilization.
8” halF
8” semi
1581-06 8” x 26” half round bolster
5932-06 8” x 26” semi-round bolster
These bolsters may be placed under the patient’s ankles to enhance positioning stabil-
ity. Two different bolster sizes are provided to allow for patient comfort.
description of components - continued
- 100 Series Procedure Chair Rev.D (20 pages)
- 100 Series Procedure Chair Rev.C (20 pages)
- 100 Series Procedure Chair Rev.B (20 pages)
- 300 Series Procedure Chair Rev.D (24 pages)
- 300 Series Procedure Chair Rev.C (24 pages)
- 300 Series Procedure Chair Rev.B (24 pages)
- Accessory Storage (1 page)
- Advanta - Set-Up (1 page)
- Alliance Wood - Set-Up (1 page)
- Antigua (28 pages)
- Aromatherapy/ Arm Rest Shelf - Set-Up (1 page)
- Attaching Bolster Arm Rest (2 pages)
- Boiance Float (2 pages)
- Butterfly Cushion (4 pages)
- Cabana Lounger (12 pages)
- Celesta/Clodagh Gemini (20 pages)
- Clinician Adjustable (8 pages)
- Clinician - Electric / Hyrdaulic (20 pages)
- Clodagh Leo (20 pages)
- Clodagh Libra (24 pages)
- Clodagh Virgo (20 pages)
- DTPM300 (24 pages)
- EC Series Procedure Chair (20 pages)
- Flannel Care (1 page)
- Fluoro Extender (1 page)
- Imaging Tables (40 pages)
- Libra Plumbing and Electrical Facility (6 pages)
- Marina (16 pages)
- Mattes Chair (4 pages)
- Nova Setup (1 page)
- Nova with ABC System Table Set Up and Care (4 pages)
- One Set-Up (1 page)
- Paper Roll Holder for Treatment Tables (1 page)
- Paper Roll Holder (1 page)
- PerformaLift Series (28 pages)
- PF Series (24 pages)
- Portal Light (4 pages)
- Portal Pro 3 Rev.A (8 pages)
- Portal Pro 3 Rev.60412 (4 pages)
- Powered ABC (4 pages)
- Powerline /Seychelle Treatment Table (16 pages)
- ProLuxe Convertible (20 pages)
- ProLuxe Series (28 pages)
- Prone Pillow (2 pages)
- PX Table (36 pages)