Oakworks One Set-Up User Manual
One & kela, Caution, 500 lbs

One & KeLa™
Dynamic Load Rating:
500 lbs.
Shiatsu option must be
installed as shown.
, Inc.
923 East Wellspring Rd., New Freedom, PA 17349
Toll Free Phone: 800-558-8850
Phone: 717-235-6807 FAX: 717-235-6798
Part No. MMINWC0002 Rev. 04.06.09
All portable tables:
U.S. Patent 5,009,170
Patent Pending
Integra Hinge™
U.S. Patent 5,943,965
Made in the U.S.A.
with U.S. & Imported Parts
Inspected By:
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 4
Fig. 6
Fig. 8
Fig. 3
To Set-up the Table:
• Place the folded table sitting on
the rubber bumpers; with the heel
of your hand, bump the UniLock™
the face rest outlets
and the table will open. (Fig. 1)
• Open the table up until the legs are
fully extended. Remove the face
rest. (Fig. 2)
To Set the Table Upright:
• When the table is fully opened, tilt
the table upright until all four feet
are on the floor. Lift one end of the
table, press down on the middle and
tension the cables a little. (Fig. 3)
To Change the Table Height:
• Choose the hole that represents the
desired height and after removing the
knob, put the bolt through that hole.
Replace and tighten the knob by hand
until snug. Repeat on all other leg
extensions, setting all extensions at
Fig. 5
Fig. 7
Shiatsu Cable
To Close the Table:
• Turn the table on its side with the
rubber bumpers down. If you own
a face-rest, store it under the table
(Fig. 5). Partially close the table top.
• Fold the legs into the table and
make sure the armrest is laying flat
and the cables are inside of the
table. Push the two halves of your
table together to lock. (Fig. 6).
When Using Shiatsu Option:
• With the table on its side, remove
the wing nut from the bolt and
remove long brace, cable and washers
from the short brace. Reassemble
them without the cable. Repeat on
the second wing nut.
• Turn the Unilock™ clasp to the side
• Fold the legs against the underside
and lay the table down flat on the
floor. (Fig. 8).
• Shiatsu Cables must be installed
as shown when using table in
normal height ranges.
• Hold the Arm Hammock with the
soft part of the velcro vacing up.
• Slip the nylon loop over the two
arms of the face rest. Insert the
face rest into the outlet holes at
the end of the table.
• Remove the crescent pad from the
face rest platform.
• Pull the other end of the Arm Hammock up and
over the wooden platform to adhere it to the
facing velcro strip.
• Re-attach the crescent pad to the wooden platform.
is not liable for injuries or damages
sustained when table is not used in the manner prescribed.
Be sure to periodically check knobs & cables to be sure they
are secure. They may work their way loose over time.