Patient - don, Warning, Directions for use – Oakworks Spine Positioning System User Manual
Page 13
directions for use
patIent - don
Don in the SPS while obtaining an
oblique image of the lumbar spine.
Right oblique image of the
lumbar spine.
Lateral image of the
lumbar spine.
SPS configured with two extra adjuster pads under the
lumbar spine as a method to reduce lumbar lordosis
and enhance comfort.
AP image of the lumbar spine.
components used:
Platform Frame (1), Crescent Face Cushion (1), Contoured Torso Support Pad (1),
Small Contoured Torso Wedge (1), 8” x 16” Rectangular Adjuster Pad (2), 8” Half Round Bolster (1)
components used:
Platform Frame (1), Crescent Face Cushion (1),
Contoured Torso Support Pad (1), Small Contoured Torso Wedge (1),
7” x 12” Rectangular Adjuster Pad (1), 8” Semi-Round Bolster (1)
A patient safety strap must be used for all procedures.
See warnings on page 2.
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