Maxim Integrated Teridian V.22 bis Linux Softmodem for 73M1822/73M1922 MicroDAA User Manual
Page 9

V.22 bis Linux Softmodem for 73M1x22 MicroDAA User Guide
Rev. 1.5
This command puts the modem into originate mode and instructs the modem to dial the
phone number expressed by the string argument n...n. The number will be dialed with
either tones or pulses depending on how the last number was dialed. On power up, this
command will default to pulse dialing. (See the note in DT[n...n] command.) The allowable
arguments for n...n differ for pulse and tone dialing; see the descriptions under DT[n...n]
and DP[n...n].
0-9 digit
A-D, *, # are only allowed during Tone dialing.
Dial String Modifiers
Pulse dial the digits that follow.
Modem uses answer mode frequencies after dialing the number. Allows dialing
up an originate-only modem. Busy detect is disabled during reverse dial.
Tone dial the digits that follow.
A “;” (semicolon) causes the modem to go back into the Command State,
allowing you to enter other commands while on-line. To do this, the semicolon
must be the last character in the command line.
When inserted in a dialing string, a “,” (comma) causes the modem to pause.
The default time for the pause is two seconds, and can be changed by
modifying register S8.
A @ (commercial "at" symbol) causes the modem to wait up to 30 seconds for
a 5 second period of quiet before proceeding. This is often used to detect the
end of a prerecorded message. The default wait time is 30 seconds, and can
be changed by modifying register S7. Result Codes 7 and 8 will be reported
regardless of which Result Code Set is selected.
An ! (exclamation mark) causes a "hook flash." This simulates hanging up for
1/2 second and then reconnecting. It is typically used for transferring calls.
Causes the modem to wait for a dial tone for a specified length of time before
proceeding. The default is 8 seconds, and can be changed by modifying
register S66. Result Code 6 will always be included regardless which Result
Code Set is selected.
S-register modification. See S[r]=[n] command.
PTT Test. See J[n] command.
Echo Command
Command echo disabled
Command echo enabled
Load Factory default Configuration
Replace the current active configuration with the factory standard configuration stored in