Introduction, Use of this document, Language and terminology – Maxim Integrated Teridian V.22 bis Linux Softmodem for 73M1822/73M1922 MicroDAA User Manual

Page 6: Registered trademarks, 1 introduction

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V.22 bis Linux Softmodem for 73M1x22 MicroDAA User Guide



Rev. 1.5

1 Introduction

The Teridian V.22BIS Softmodem is a V.22bis, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, 103, and 202 modem
algorithm. It includes the signal processing functions as well as an “AT” command interpreter.

1.1 Use of this Document

It is assumed that the reader has basic familiarity with microprocessors, firmware and data
communications. Prior experience with modems is not assumed but would be useful.
This document presents all the features included in the TSC V.22BIS Softmodem in terms of software.

1.2 Language and Terminology

To a large extent, telecommunications and, by extension, data communications, has developed a
terminology distinct from the rest of the electronics engineering community. The lack of worldwide
standards until recent years has also hampered the adoption of widely accepted terms. North America,
dominated by the earlier influence of Bell Telephone, has developed terminology, which differs from that
now used by the ITU, the industry group responsible for setting international standards. As international
data exchange grows in importance, the ITU can be expected to grow in influence, even in North
America. For that reason we have chosen to use the ITU terminology in most cases. There will be some
exceptions to our use of ITU terms. For example, "mark" (one) and "space" (zero) are much shorter than
"binary one" and "binary zero" and these have been used where appropriate. Also, we may use Bell
terminology when discussing Bell specifications. The North American terminology is so pervasive that it is
used by default in areas where the ITU has yet to venture.

1.3 Registered Trademarks

Throughout this manual, we wish to acknowledge the following: Hayes, Hayes AT, Smartcom and
Smartmodem are registered trademarks of Hayes Microcomputer Products; IBM, IBM PC, IBM AT, and
PS/2 are registered trademarks of IBM; MNP is a registered trademark of Microcom; Tri-state is a
registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.