3 using different oxygen sensors – Haltech F10 User Manual
Page 76

Engine Cycles at Idle
Exhaust gas transportation time is much higher at idle, when the engine is breathing
the least. If running the closed loop at idle, a longer time must be allowed to pass
before performing a feedback correction response.
O2 Sensor Threshold at Idle
It is unlikely that the engine will run at idle smoothly at the same air-fuel ratio as at
cruise. Typically, a richer mix is necessary. This parameter allows a different
threshold voltage to be targeted during closed loop correction at idle.
O2 Sensor Type
The type of sensor used should be selected here. Choose the sensor that best describes
the sensor you are using. It is also possible to attach a 5 Volt sensor, such as a UEGO
probe, to the F10A. Since these sensors are expensive, and have limited life, it is
unlikely that they would be used in general running of the car for closed loop feedback
control, but rather as an aid during tuning.
15.3 Using Different Oxygen Sensors
Almost any oxygen sensor can be used with the F10A. The sensor available from Haltech
an NGK heated four wire oxygen sensor or a Delco sensor these are the preferred sensors to
use due to their temperature stability and the switch-like characteristic of their transfer
function. Other sensors such as three-wire and single-wire units may also be used, but be wary
of slow reaction times and poor repeatability with cheaper sensors. Wide-band oxygen sensors
may also be used, and can be particularly useful as a tuning tool, both via the engine data page
or in Data-logging. [When viewing O2 sensor voltage readings from a Data-log, remember to
allow for sensor response time.]
Figure 15.2. Wiring different oxygen sensors.