Chapter 13 software access, 1 the input/output page, 1 trim control and spare a/d – Haltech F10 User Manual
Page 66

F10 Inputs & Outputs
13.1 The Input/Output Page
The Input/Output Page is where the F10 Aux In, Aux Out, Spare and Trim inputs and outputs
are configured.
F10A and F10A-8 only
The F10A and F10A-8 also have the extra injector driver controls in the Input/Output page.
To access the Input/Output Set-up page press Alt – S to open the Set-up menu then scroll to
the Input/Output Set-up menu item and press enter.
13.1.1 Trim Control and Spare A/D
The Trim Control and Spare Input Function fields can be programmed to broadly adjust fuel
and ignition for tuning and boost for street or race driving. The set-up is as follows:
Trim Control
The optional Trim unit can be used to control one of several parameters. This field
selects the controlled parameter. If there is nothing connected to the trim plug, the trim
will have no effect (except with boost control). The available functions are :
Fuel (Fine)
±12.5% adjustment of fuel.
Fuel (Coarse)
±50% adjustment of fuel.
Boost Control
Boost trim for Wastegate control only.
Spare Input Function
The Spare input is an analogue input similar to the Trim Control input that can be
configured for one of several tasks. Its function is set by this field. The available
functions are :
0-5 volt input; no effect on ECU operation.
Fuel (Fine
±12.5% adjustment of fuel.
Fuel (Coarse ±50% adjustment of fuel.
Baro Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor.
Exhaust MAP Sensor Exhaust Pressure(does not affect ECU operation)
Aux RPM Limit Input switch for activating Aux RPM
limit. Limit may be above/below the primary RPM limit.
Useful for launching or allowing extra RPM momentarily
for overtaking.
O2 Sensor
Display only (does not affect ECU operation). The reading
appears on the Engine Data Page as mV.
2nd MAP Sensor
This field is only accessible when the Exhaust M AP Sensor
is selected on the Spare Input Function. It tells the software
what sensor is being used (either 1 Bar, 2 Bar, or 3 Bar
sensor) and how to calibrate the reading.