Great Planes Tracer 46 Kit - GPMA0400 User Manual
Page 14

15. Using a rotary tool and a cutoff wheel, cut both
retract struts so they are 4-1/8" long, measuring from the
mounting plate on the retract body.
16. Place your retract in place on the rails. Drill four
5/64" pilot holes through the bass rails, using the
mounting holes as a guide. Mount the retract with four #4
x 1/2" sheet metal screws (not provided).
17. Remove the area of the rear landing gear rail that
makes contact with the coil of the retract. Do the same
where the strut makes contact with rib 3. Hint: Your rotary
tool works well for both these tasks. Just be careful not to
accidentally over trim.
18. If you are building your right wing panel, mount a 2"
wheel (GPMQ4221) to each of the two adjustable axles
(GPMQ4281) with 5/32" wheel collars and 6-32 set
screws. Using a rotary tool and a cutoff wheel, cut the
axles flush with the wheel collars.
❏ ❏
19. Mount the axle on the end of the strut, centering
the wheel between the ribs. Bend the strut forward or aft as
required to center the wheel between the LE and the spar.
❏ ❏
20 Remove the retract from the rails. Harden the
threads in the gear rails with thin CA. Go to step 22.
❏ ❏
21. If you are using fixed gear, epoxy the grooved
basswood landing gear rail to ribs 3 and 4.
❏ ❏
22. Edge glue a 1/16" x 3" x 30" balsa sheet to the
shaped LE, letting it contact the front edge of each rib.