Great Planes Spitfire 40 Kit - GPMA0179 User Manual
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exiting the left side of the fuselage. Re-mount the rudder control
horn. Attach the clevis to the control horn.
7. Position the rudder servo in the right side of the servo tray
as shown on the plans, using a servo arm included with your
radio to position the servo such that the end of the servo arm
lines up with the pushrod. Mount the servo.
8. Center the rudder (clamping the counterbalance to the fin
and using balsa pads to keep from damaging the rudder works
well) and be sure the servo arm is perpendicular to the servo
case. Cut the pushrod 1/2" forward of the servo arm and set
aside the excess pushrod for an aileron. Mark the pushrod
where it crosses the servo arm. Bend the pushrod and connect
it through the outer hole of the servo arm with a Faslink. Trim
the excess wire that sticks out past the Faslink.
9. Screw a clevis onto one end of the 35" pushrod wire
(threaded on both ends) for the elevator pushrod. Slide the
pushrod through the elevator pushrod guide tube, which is the
guide tube on the right side of the fuselage. Remove the
backing plate from the nylon control horn and connect the horn
to the clevis in the outer hole. Position and temporarily mount
the elevator control horn as you did the rudder control horn.
10. Position the elevator servo centered in the servo tray as
shown on the plans, using a medium servo arm included in your
radio to position the servo such that the end of the servo arm
lines up with the pushrod. Mount the servo.
11. Center the elevators (clamping them to the stab and using
balsa pads to keep from damaging them) and be sure the servo
arm is perpendicular to the servo case. Trim and set aside the
excess pushrod as you did for the rudder. Mark the pushrod
where it crosses the servo arm. Bend the pushrod and connect
it to the center hole of the servo arm with a Faslink. Trim the
excess wire that sticks out past the Faslink.
12. Select the two servos you are using for the ailerons and
attach a 12" servo extension to each. Guide the extensions
through the wings and out the holes in the top of the wing.
A wheel collar tied to a string, with the string slip-knotted over
the control horn, will help guide it through the wing.
13. Mount the aileron servos in the wing with the screws
provided with your radio. Mount the aileron control horns to the
ailerons with #2 x 1/2" screws without the backplate.
14. Screw the clevises onto the pushrod wires leftover from
the elevator and rudder.
15. Connect the clevis to the control horn. Center the aileron
and position the servo arm perpendicular to the servo case.
Mark the pushrod where it crosses the servo arm. Bend the
pushrod and connect it to the servo arm with a Faslink. Trim the
excess wire that sticks out past the Faslink.
1. Install a 3/4" tail wheel (not included) with a 3/32" wheel collar.
2. Reinstall the landing gear, fixed or retractable.
1. Temporarily position the receiver and battery on the servo
tray. Connect all servos to your receiver.
2. Turn on the transmitter and center all trims. Turn on the
receiver switch. Reposition the servo arms and clevises as
needed to make the servo arm perpendicular to the servo case
and the surface centered. Check that both servos move the
correct direction, remembering that the wing is upside-down.
(Reverse the servo direction in the radio if required.) Set the
wing aside for now.
3. Confirm all servo arms are all positioned so the servo arms
are perpendicular to the cases, including the throttle servo with
the throttle stick and trim at center. Check servo direction and
center the rudder and elevator as you did the ailerons.
4. Check that the throttle servo moves in the correct direction,
and reverse if necessary. Adjust the clevis on the throttle
pushrod as needed so that when wide open, the throttle barrel
Final Servo & Receiver Installation
Install the Landing Gear