Great Planes Cherokee Kit - GPMA0180 User Manual
Cherokee 40, Instruction book

The Choice is Yours!
Having performed the final checkout and engine run-up, I tax-
ied out on the runway and slowly advanced the throttle. By the time
I had full throttle, the Cherokee was light on its wheels. A touch of
right rudder was needed to counter the torque of the engine. Gath-
ering a few more knots, I eased back on the stick and the Cherokee
majestically headed toward the heavens, hardly noticing the 5 knot
crosswind. A little less rudder as we gathered more speed, and
down elevator to bring the Cherokee to cruise speed and straight
and level simultaneously. "Take off complete."
It's not often that a model airplane is scale, easy to build and
easier to fly, but your new Cherokee fits into this category. We
know you'll be happy with it.
Building the Cherokee will be an easy task if you will familiar-
ize yourself with the parts and construction sequence before get-
ting started. Follow our instructions exactly, and your chances of
producing a light, strong and true Cherokee are very good.
We offer you a variety of choices that you should consider be-
fore you start building. With your imagination and a little help from
us, you choose how your model will look when it is finished.
One choice is the optional, scale-like Flaps. All parts needed
for building the Flaps are included as well as building and flying in-
structions. Install and use the Flaps, install them but don't use
them until later or use ailerons only with no Flaps. You decide!
Fairings can be added to the wing leading edge for a more
scale-like appearance for another choice. Materials for this addi-
tion are not included but can be found in your scrap materials or at
your hobby shop.
You can also choose to purchase an optional wheel pants set
and instructions for assembly from your local dealer (Great Planes
Part #WPSM2). Optional Strut Covers (Robart #SGST2)are available
through your dealer also. It's up to you.
Choose to build your kit into a "Cherokee," modeled after the
1975 "C" version. (The C model has 2 side windows as shown on the
plan.) Or choose to build the "Cherokee Archer" version, a newer air-
craft. Just add another window and use the "Archer" decal as
shown on the plan.
Scale information can be found at any Piper aircraft dealer. Or
use your imagination and make your model look like any of the
various Cherokee versions found at most local airports. You may
even want to combine parts of different airplane's trim schemes to
create your own "custom trim scheme." After all the Cherokee is
designed to be fun ... and scale-like!
Engine'Size .35-.45 2 cycle
Wing Span 60"
Wing Area 630
Length 46"
Weight 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 Ibs.
Materials Needed to Complete the Cherokee:
4 or 5 Channel Radio Propeller Covering/Paint
Engine Wheels Instant Glue
Fiberglass Cloth/Resin Fuel Tank Epoxy
Engine Mounting Bolts Spinner White Glue
Hand Tools