Great Planes 38% Extra 330S ARF - GPMA1290 User Manual
Page 2

INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 2
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................................. 3
ITEMS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION .......................... 3
........................................................................ 3
........................................................................ 3
Transmitter and Receiver ........................................... 3
Other Radio Gear ....................................................... 4
Hardware and Accessories ........................................ 4
........................................................... 4
KIT INSPECTION .............................................................. 4
KIT CONTENTS ................................................................ 5
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS .............................. 5
SHRINK THE COVERING ................................................. 6
ASSEMBLE THE WINGS .................................................. 6
Mount the Aileron Servos ........................................... 6
Hook Up the Ailerons ................................................. 7
ASSEMBLE THE HORIZONTAL STABS .......................... 9
ASSEMBLE THE FUSELAGE .......................................... 9
Mount the Landing Gear ............................................ 9
Attach the Rudder .................................................... 11
Install the Rudder Servos ......................................... 12
Hook up the Rudder ................................................. 13
Mount the Engine ..................................................... 14
Hook up the Throttle ................................................. 15
Assemble/Install the Fuel Tank ................................ 15
Finish Radio Installation ........................................... 17
Mount the Cowl ........................................................ 19
GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY ................................. 20
Apply the Decals ...................................................... 20
Set the Control Throws ............................................ 20
Balance the Model (C.G.)......................................... 21
Balance the Model Laterally ..................................... 22
PREFLIGHT .................................................................... 22
................................................... 22
.......................................................... 22
........................................................... 22
ENGINE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................. 23
AMA SAFETY CODE ...................................................... 23
CHECK LIST ................................................................... 24
FLYING ............................................................................ 24
3D FLYING ...................................................................... 27
Thank you for purchasing the Great Planes 38% Extra 330S
ARF. Thousands of R/C modelers have already enjoyed the
complete “package” that a Great Planes model delivers—
thoroughly illustrated, detailed, complete instruction manuals;
rugged, yet lightweight construction; complete hardware
packages; and superior fl
ight characteristics. But many
serious IMAC/Freestyle 3D pilots have not yet been able to
enjoy these benefi ts—until now! This Great Planes 38% Extra
330S ARF features all the same, high-quality features of its
smaller brothers and sisters. We do realize that most pilots
who will be building this model already have experience with
high-performance, giant-scale airplanes. But there will still be
those who are new to a plane of this size and scope, so for
you, none of the details have been omitted. You’ll end up with
a model that is complete and properly fi nished, without having
to fi gure anything out by yourself.
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to this
model visit the Great Planes web site at www.greatplanes.
com. Open the “R/C AIRPLANES” pull down tab across the top
of the page, then select “ARFs-GLOW.” Scroll down the page
and click on “38% Extra 330S ARF.” If there is new technical
information or changes an “Important! TECH NOTICE” box
will appear in the upper left corner of the page. Click on the
Tech Notice box to read the info.
Note: The stabilizer and wing incidences and engine thrust
angles have been factory-built into this model. However,
some technically-minded modelers may wish to check these
measurements anyway. To view this information visit the web
site at and click on “Technical Data.”
Due to manufacturing tolerances which will have little or no
effect on the way your model will fl y, please expect slight
deviations between your model and the published values.
If you are not already a member of the AMA, please join!
The AMA is the governing body of model aviation and
membership provides liability insurance coverage, protects
modelers’ rights and interests and is required to fl y at most
R/C sites.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Tele: (800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741-0057
Or via the Internet at:
IMPORTANT!!! Two of the most important things you can do
to preserve the radio controlled aircraft hobby are to avoid
fl ying near full-scale aircraft and avoid fl ying near or over
groups of people.