Configuration and diagnostics, Security, Setup options – FloAire Electrical Controls User Manual

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August 2014 Rev. 7


Configuration and Diagnostics


1. To access the Configuration / Factory, the password 1111 must be used.
2. To access the Configuration / Fire Options, the password 1234 must be used.

Setup Options

The ECPM03 board allows the user to configure a broad range of options associated with the functionality
of the system through the setup menus on its LCD as shown above. Below the ECPM03 LCD are 4
buttons for navigation: MENU, UP, DOWN, ENTER.

The MENU button typically takes you up one level in the menu tree while the ENTER button takes you
down one level. UP and DOWN navigate through the same level of the menu tree and also allow the user
to change the value of a parameter.

After changing some parameters in the configuration menus, the user needs to press MENU multiple
times until the screen displays the message “Press any Key to reboot.” As indicated, the processor will
reboot after any key is pressed. This allows the board to correctly process the parameters changed.
NOTE: a reboot of the board will cause the electric gas valve (if equipped) to shut off. Confirm that
gas/pilot lights are re-lit if necessary.

1. Display System Information

Starting from the Main menu, press the DOWN button, press DOWN again. Screen displays
“Info”. Press the ENTER button. Screen displays “Fault History”. Press DOWN to View the
Version number. Press DOWN to view the package Type, which should be

“Standard Prewire”.

2. Display Fault History

Starting from the Main menu, press the DOWN button, press DOWN again. Screen displays
“Info”. Press the ENTER button. Screen displays “Fault History”. Press ENTER. Press UP and
DOWN to scroll through the fault history, with 1 being the most recent fault. To clear the fault
history, please ENTER and press ENTER again when prompted “Clear Fault History”. Or press
MENU to go back without clearing.

3. Display temperature readings

Starting from the Main

menu, press the DOWN button. Screen displays “Temperatures”. Press

the ENTER button. Press the UP and DOWN buttons to view all temperatures measured by the
room and duct temperature sensors.