EVCO EC4173 User Manual

Page 3

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The led "out", when lighted, indicates that the output is activated; if it is flashing it indicates that a procedure of setpoint setting is on run.
"E0" flashing on the display indicates one of the following defects: not proper kind of probe, defective probe, wrong connection or temperature

outside the limits permitted by the used probe; check the value given to the parameter /0, the functioning of the probe and the connection between
instrument and probe (the output is deactivated).

"E0C" flashing on the display indicates a cold junction compensation failure; try to switch the power-supply off and then, switch it on (the output

is deactivated).

"E2" flashing on the display indicates the failure of memorised configuration-data; try to switch the power-supply off and then, switch it on (the

output is deactivated).

"---" flashing on the display indicates that during the "Auto-tuning" function the instrument has not been able to compute some useful data for

the regulation; see "AUTO-TUNING" FUNCTION to understand reasons and remedies (the output is deactivated).

If the display shows the temperature read by the probe alternated to the signal "tun" it means that an "Auto-tuning" function is on run.
If the display shows a proper value alternated to the signal "AL1" it means that the temperature read by the probe is outside the limit programmed

with the parameter A1.