EVCO EVXV215N7 User Manual
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EVCO S.p.A. • Code 104X201E314 • page 2/9
Manual Activation of Defrosting
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other opera-
tion is in progress; ensure that the Overcooling function is not in
• press and hold down the DEFROSTING key for 4 sec.
For EVXV203, EVXV204, EVXV214, EVXV205 and EVXV215:
If the evaporator probe function is that of the defrosting probe (param-
eter P3=1) and upon activation of defrosting, the temperature of the
evaporator is higher than that established with parameter d2, the
defrosting function will not be activated.
Operation for low or high percentage of relative
humidity (but EVXV201 and provided parameter F0
is set to 5)
During operation for low percentage of relative humidity, the evapo-
rator ventilator will be switched on if the compressor is switched off
(parameter F4 determines the amount of time it is switched off while
parameter F5 determines the amount of time it is switched on).
During operation for a high percentage of relative humidity the evapo-
rator fan is always on.
4.8.1 Manual activation of operation for low or high
percentage of relative humidity (but EVXV201 and
provided parameter F0 is set to 5)
• make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other proce-
dures are in progress
• press the SET and the UP keys for 4 sec: the display will show “rhL”
(operation for low percentage of relative humidity) or “rhH” (opera-
tion for high percentage of relative humidity) for 10 sec.
To restore the normal display before the operation is complete:
• press a key.
Activation of the operation for a low or high percentage of relative
humidity can be done using parameter F6.
If parameter F0 is not set to 5, pressing the SET and the UP keys will
cause the display of the following message “- - - -“ for
1 sec.
4.8.2 Display of type of operation in progress (for low or
high percentage of relative humidity, but EVXV201
and provided that parameter F0 is set to 5)
• make sure that no other procedure is in progress
• press and release the SET and the UP keys: the display will show
“rhL” (operation for low percentage of relative humidity) or “rhH”
(operation for high percentage of relative humidity) for 10 sec.
To restore the normal display before the operation is complete:
• press a key.
If parameter F0 is not set to 5, pressing the SET and UP keys will cause:
• the display of the message “- - - -“ for 1 sec if the keyboard is not
• display of the label “Loc” for 1 sec if the keyboard is locked..
Manual switching on/off of the cell light (EVXV204,
EVXV214, EVXV205 and EVXV215 only and pro-
vided that parameter u1 and/or parameter u11 is set
to 0)
• make sure that no other procedure is in progress
• press and release the AUXILIARY key : the LED light will switch
Using the door microswitch it is also possible to switch on/off the cell
light by remote; see also parameter u2.
If parameter u1 is set at 0 (i.e. the utility managed by the fourth output
is the cabinet light) and parameter u11 is set at 2 (i.e. the utility managed
by the fifth output is the auxiliary output), holding the AUXILIARY
key down for 2 s will cause the switch-on/off of the multipurpose LED
and of the auxiliary output.
4.10 Switching on the demisting resistors (EVXV204,
EVXV214, EVXV205 and EVXV215 only and pro-
vided that parameter u1 and/or parameter u11 is set
to 1)
• ensure that the instrument is switched on and that no other proce-
dure is in progress.
• press the AUXILIARY key for 2 sec: the multifunction LED will light
up and the resistors will be switched on, both for the amount of time
established with parameter u6.
Manually switching off the demisting resistors is not permitted (that is,
before the time established with parameter u6 expires).
4.11 Manually switch on/off of the Auxiliary output
(EVXV204, EVXV214, EVXV205 and EVXV215 only
and provided parameter u1 and/or parameter u11 is
set to 2)
• ensure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other procedure
is in progress
• press and release the AUXILIARY key.
Using the multifunction input it is also possible to remotely switch on/
off the auxiliary output.
If parameter u1 is set at 2 (i.e. the utility managed by the fourth output
is the auxiliary output) and parameter u11 is set at 0 (i.e. the utility
managed by the fifth output is the cabinet light), holding the
AUXILIARY key down for 2 s will cause the switch-on/off of the
cabinet light LED and of the cabinet light.
If the auxiliary output has been switched on manually, then it can also
be switched off manually (similarly, if the auxiliary output has been
remotely switched on, then it can only be switched off in the same
manner); see also parameter u2.
4.12 Energy Saving (but EVXV201)
During function Energy Saving the working setpoint is increased of
the temperature you have set with parameter r4 and the evaporator
fan is turned on cyclically, on condition that parameter F0 has value
1 or 2 (parameter F13 sets the time the fan remains turned off and
parameter F14 the time it remains turned on).
Once the time you have set with parameter i10 has passed (without
activations of the door switch digital input and on condition that the
cabinet temperature has reached the working setpoint) function En-
ergy Saving is activated automatically (as long as the input will be
4.12.1 Activation/deactivation of function Energy Saving
with effect on the compressor only (EVXV204,
EVXV214, EVXV205 and EVXV215)
Through the multipurpose input it is possible to activate/deactivate
function Energy Saving at a distance.
Function Energy Saving can be activated in real time too, to the time
you have set with parameter HE1; in this case the duratin of the func-
tion can be set through parameter HE2.
4.13 Locking/unlocking the keyboard
To lock the keyboard:
• make sure that no other procedure is in progress
• press and hold down the DOWN and ON/STAND-BY keys for 1
sec: the display will show the message “Loc” for 1 sec.
If the keyboard is locked, the following are not permitted:
• manual switch on/off of the instrument
• display of evaporator temperature (via the procedure explained in
paragraph 4.4)
• display of the condenser temperature (via the procedure indicated
in paragraph 4.5)
• activation/disactivation of Overcooling function
• manual activation of defrosting
• activation of operation for low of high percentage of relative humid-
ity and learning the kind of operation
• manual switch on/off of the auxiliary output
• see information regarding the HACCP alarms
• cancellation of HACCP alarm list
• changing the date and time
• changing the working setpoint (with the procedure described in
• display of compressor operation hours
• cancellation of compressor operation hours
The operations cause the display of the label “Loc” per
1 sec.
To unlock the keyboard:
• press and hold down the DOWN and ON/STAND-BY keys for 1
sec: the display will show the message “UnL” for 1 sec.
4.13 Silencing the Buzzer
• ensure that no other procedure in is progress
• press a key (the first pressing of the key will not cause the effect asso-
ciated with that key).
For EVXV204, EVXV214, EVXV205 and EVXV215:
If parameter u1 and/or parameter u11 is set to 3 and parameter u4 is
set to 1, pressing the key will also disactivate the alarm output.
If parameter u9 is set to 0, the buzzer will not be activated.
Setting the day and real time (EVXV214 and
EVXV215 only)
• ensure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other procedures
are in progress
• press and hold down the DOWN key for 1 sec: the display will show
the first label available
• press and release the UP or DOWN key to select “rtc”.
To change the year:
• press and release the SET key: the display will show “yy” followed
by the last two numbers in the year and the clock LED will flash
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec.
To change the month:
• press and release the SET key while changing the year: the display
will show “nn” followed by the two numbers of the month
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec.
To change the day of the month:
• press and release the SET key while changing the month: the dis-
play will show “dd” followed by the two numbers of the day
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec.
To change the hour:
• press and release the SET key while changing the day of the month:
the display will show “hh” followed by the two numbers of the
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec.
The hour is displayed using the 24 hour system.
To change the minutes:
• press and release the SET key while changing the hour: the display
will show “nn” followed by the two minute numbers
• press and release the UP and DOWN keys within 15 sec
• press and release the SET key or do not operate for 15 sec: the clock
LED will switch off.
To exit the procedure:
• press and release the UP or DOWN key until the diplay shows the
cell temperature and then do not operate for 60 sec.
• press and release the ON/STAND-BY key.
Setting the working setpoint
• ensure that the keyboard is not locked and that no other procedure
is in progress.
• press and release the SET key: the compressor LED will flash
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec; see also
parameters r1, r2 and r3
• press and release the SET key or do not operate for 15 sec: the
compressor LED will switch off and then the instrument will exit the
To exit the procedure before the operation is complete:
• do not operate for 15 sec (any changes will be saved).
The working setpoint can also be set via parameter SP.
Setting the configuration parameters
To begin the procedure:
• ensure that no other procedure is in progress
• hold down the UP and DOWN keys for 4 sec: the display will show
• press and release the SET key
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec to set “-19”
• press and release the SET key or do not operate for 15 sec
• hold down the UP and DOWN keys for 4 sec: the display will show
To select a parameter:
• press and release the UP or DOWN key.
To change a parameter:
• press and release the SET key.
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec.
• press and release the SET key or do not operate for 15 sec.
To exit the procedure:
• hold down the UP and DOWN keys for 4 sec and do not operate
for 60 sec (any changes will be saved).
After changing the parameters, suspend power supply flow
to the instrument.
Restoring the Manufacturer’s Settings
To begin the procedure:
• make sure that no other procedure is in progress.
• hold down the UP and DOWN key for 4 sec: the display will show
• press and release the SET key
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec to set “149”
• press and release the SET key or do not operate for 15 sec
• hold down the UP and DOWN keys for 4 sec: the display will show
• press and release the SET key
• press and release the UP or DOWN key within 15 sec to set “1”
• press and release the SET key or do not operate for 15 sec: the
display will show “dEF” flashing for 4 sec, after which the instru-
ment will exit the procedure.
• suspend the power supply to the instrument.
To exit the procedure before the operation is complete:
• hold down the UP and DOWN keys for 4 sec during the procedure
(that is, before setting “1”: the settings wil not be restored).
Make sure that the manufacturer’s settings are appropriate
(see chapter 12).
Preliminary notes
EVXV201, EVXV203, EVXV204, EVXV205 and EVXV215:
The instrument is able to store up to 3 HACCP alarms.
The instrument provides the following inoformation:
• the critical value
• the alarm duration (from 1 min to 99 hours and 59 min, partial if the
alarm is in progress).
minimum temperature alarm (the minium cell tempera-
ture during any alarm of this type)
maximum temperature alarm (the maximum cell tempera-
ture during any alarm of this type)
door microswitch input alarm (the maximum cell tempera-
ture during any alarm of this type; see also parameter i4
Important Notes:
• the codes are displayed in the order shown in the table
• the instrument stores the minimum and maximum tem-
perature alarms provided the temperature associated
with the alarm is that of the cell (parameter A0 = 0)
• the instrument updates the information regarding the
the alarm provided the critical value of the new alarm is
more critical than that stored alarm or provided the infor-
mation has already been displayed.
• if the instrument is switched off, no alarms will be stored.
When the problem that caused the alarm disappears, the display is
restored to normal operation.
The HACCP LED provides information regarding the HACCP alarm
storage status; see paragraph 8.1.
For EVXV214 and EVXV215:
The instrument is able to store up to 9 HACCP alarms, after which the
most recent alarm will substitute the oldest.
The instrument provides the following information:
• critical value
• the date and time the alarm was signaled
• the duration of the alarm (from 1 min to 99 hours and 59 min, partial
if the alarm is in progress).