Overview of assembly interface – Comtrol IO-Link Master EIP-4 User Manual

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Chapter 3. EtherNet/IP CIP Object Definitions

IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP Reference Manual: 2000589 Rev. A

Instance Attribute Definitions: Attribute 3-Request/Write Data

3.12.5. Instance Attribute Definitions: Attribute 3-Request/Write Data

Dependent on the instance number, this is either the PDI data block and/or the PDO data block.

3.12.6. Instance Attribute Definitions: Attribute 4-Data Length

This is the maximum data length for each Assembly instance.

3.12.7. Overview of Assembly Interface

The Assembly interface is designed to:

Provide access to all Input and Output assemblies.

Maximize flexibility for the PLC programmer.

Minimize required PLC and IO-Link communication bandwidth.

Be as easy to use as possible.

The following diagram illustrates the Assembly instances for a four port IO-Link Master. There is one
Assembly input and output instance assigned to each IO-Link port.