Prtn_miscisduresp, Using other isdu request/response command formats – Comtrol IO-Link Master EIP-4 User Manual

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IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP Reference Manual: 2000589 Rev. A

Chapter 6. ControlLogix Family - Example PLC Programs - 101


6.7.4. PrtN_MiscISDUResp

This tag contains the response to the ISDU request. It must be of the same size and structure as the request

6.7.5. Using Other ISDU Request/Response Command Formats

Other ISDU request/response formats may be used instead of the default request command set. The following
steps demonstrate how to change the ISDU request/response formats:


If one ISDU request/response is required, create a new request and response tag with any of the defined
ISDU User Defined structures. The one requirement is that the request and response formats must be the
same. For example, if a 16 byte nested format is use for the request, then a 16 byte nested response
structure must be used.


If multiple ISDU requests of the same nested lengths are required, created request and response arrays of
the same User Defined format.


If multiple ISDU requests of different nested lengths are required, create new User Defined Data
Structures for the request and response containing user defined command structures. Then create tags
using the new user Defined data structures. You may also want to modify the ReqMiscSizedISDUCmds and
RespMiscSizedISDUCmds User Defined data structures.


Modify the appropriate MSG instruction settings:


Change the Source Element to that of the new ISDU request tag.


Change the Source Length to that of the new Source Element. That information is often displayed on the
User Defined Structure definition pane.


Change the Destination to that of the new response tag.