Split package pricing, Preset dept, Plu preset-code key – Toshiba TEC FDS-30 User Manual
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Split Package Pricing
(1 ) D ep a rtm e n t
• Preset Dept
1 Purchased Q'tv I [©/FOR] I Whole Package Q^tv I [@/FOR] ----------------- ► (iSHIFTl)
__________________________________ for the shifted depts.
[Preset DEPT]
Open Dept
I Purchased Q’tv I [@fl=ORl I Whole Package Q’tv I [@/FORl
-----------► I Whole Package Price I ((SHIFTI) [Open DEPT]
for the shifted depts.
(2 ) P L U
• Preset PLU
I Purchased Q’tv I [@/FOR] ---------- ► I Split-Price Type PLU Code 1 [PLU]
I Purchased Q*tv l [@/FOR] I Whole Package Q*tv I [@/FOR]
[PLU Preset-code Key]
Open PLU
I Purchased Q’tv I [@/FOR]
"► I Split-Price Type PLU Code I [PLU] I Whole Package Price I [AMT]
N O T E S : 1. P u rch ase d Q 'ty
m a x. 3 d ig its in te g ra l on ly.
W h o le P acka g e Q 'ty
m a x. 3 d ig its in te g ra l on ly.
W h o le P acka g e P rice
m a x. 6 d ig its
2 . U sua lly th e fra ctio n o f th e re sult is ro un d e d u p in split p a cka ge pricing .
H ow e ve r, it is pro g ra m m ab le to ro u n d ed u p the fra ction of e a ch ite m p rice .
3 . O n ly th e S p lit-P rice T yp e P L U s (i.e. w ith W h o le P acka g e Q u a n tity p ro g ra m m e d )
a llo w sp lit pa cka g e p ricin g o p era tio n s u sin g P L U s.
- Receipt Print Sample --
2X 4.00/
- 21 -