Game levels, Chapter 14 game – Casio PV-S6100 User Manual
Page 143

Chapter 14 Game
After making all the plays that are available at the bottom of the pile, tap
the down deck to turn up the next card on top of the down deck. The
card that is turned up can be tapped in combination with a card at the
bottom of the pile to equal 13.
After making all the plays that are available at the bottom of the pile and
with the upturned card on the down deck, tap the upturned card and then
tap on the up deck area to move the upturned card there. Next, tap the
down deck to turn up the next card. Now you have three places with
cards you can combine to total 13: the bottom of the pile, the upturned
card on top of the down deck, and the card on the up deck.
Repeat the above steps until you move the last card from the down deck
to the up deck. When you do, there will be either a
in place of
the down deck.
means you can continue playing, so tap the
move the cards from the up deck back to the down deck.
means the
game is over.
The game is over when all of the cards are gone (you win) or when there
are no more plays left before all the cards are gone (you lose).
Game Levels
Beginner: Tapping a card causes the another card that equals 13 in
combination with the card you tap to become highlighted. This
level also lets you turn the up deck over three times (so it becomes
a new down deck ) after you run out of cards in the down deck.
Advanced: No indication of which cards equal 13. At this level, get only
one pass through the deck. You cannot turn the up deck over.
- PV-200 Before using for the first time PV-100 Before using for the first time PV-S450 Before using for the first time PV-S250 Before using for the first time PV-750 Before using for the first time PV-750 Plus Before using for the first time PV-S460/PV-S660 PV-200 Memo PV-100 Memo PV-S450 Memo PV-S250 Memo PV-750 Memo PV-750 Plus Memo PV-200 Contacts PV-100 Contacts PV-S450 Contacts PV-S250 Contacts PV-750 Contacts PV-750 Plus Contacts PV-200 Quick-Memo PV-100 Quick-Memo PV-S450 Quick-Memo PV-S250 Quick-Memo PV-750 Quick-Memo PV-750 Plus Quick-Memo PV-200 Expense Manager PV-100 Expense Manager PV-S450 Expense Manager PV-S250 Expense Manager PV-750 Expense Manager PV-750 Plus Expense Manager PV-200 Scheduler PV-100 Scheduler PV-S450 Scheduler PV-S250 Scheduler PV-750 Scheduler PV-750 Plus Scheduler PV-200 Game PV-100 Game PV-S450 Game PV-S250 Game PV-750 Game PV-750 Plus Game PV-200 Configuring the Unit PV-100 Configuring the Unit PV-S450 Configuring the Unit PV-S250 Configuring the Unit PV-750 Configuring the Unit PV-750 Plus Configuring the Unit PV-200 Pop Up Tools PV-100 Pop Up Tools PV-S450 Pop Up Tools PV-S250 Pop Up Tools PV-750 Pop Up Tools PV-750 Plus Pop Up Tools PV-200 Data Communication PV-100 Data Communication PV-S450 Data Communication PV-S250 Data Communication PV-750 Data Communication PV-750 Plus Data Communication PV-200 General Operations PV-100 General Operations PV-S450 General Operations PV-S250 General Operations PV-750 General Operations PV-750 Plus General Operations PV-750 Technical Reference 2 PV-200 Technical Reference PV-100 Technical Reference PV-S450 Technical Reference PV-S250 Technical Reference PV-750 Technical Reference 1 PV-750 Technical Reference PV-750 Plus Technical Reference