Rs232 communication – AERCO BMK 3.0 LN Nat. Gas Jan 2011 User Manual
Page 72
(c) Menu c hanges wil l be s tored in non-
volatile memory.
9. To r edisplay th e m enu and vie w t he opt ion
which was j ust c hanged in s tep 5, enter D
and press
10. To display the F ault (F) Log, Sensor (S) Log
or T ime ( T) Line Lo g, pr ess F , S or T
followed by
descriptions and samples of these data logs.
11. To log of f and ter minate the R S232 c om-
munication link, press L followed by
During oper ation, the C- More Con trol Panel
continuously m onitors and logs data associated
with op erational e vents, f aults and s ensor
readings as sociated with the b oiler or water
heater s ystem. Des criptions of thes e d ata logs
are pr ovided in t he f ollowing par agraphs. T he
basic pr ocedure f or ac cessing each data log is
described in paragraph 9.3, step 7.
9.4.1 Fault Log
The C-More Control Panel logs the last 10 faults
(0 – 9) starting with the m ost recent (#0). T hey
can be v iewed i n the f ront pane l dis play or v ia
the RS 232 por t. T he F ault L og c annot be
cleared. If the F ault L og alr eady c ontains 10
faults, the earliest f ault is over written when a
new fault occurs. A s ample Fault Log display is
shown in Table 9-1.
The O peration T ime ( T) Log c an s tore
thousands of r ecords. T herefore, to vi ew
the most recently logged record, enter “T”
followed b y 0 ( zero) a nd pr ess Ent er
(i.e. T 0
in r everse c hronological or der, enter T
and press Enter. To go ba ck 200 or 1000
records, ent er T 200 or T 1000, etc . an d
press Enter.
9.4.2 Operation Time Log
The O peration T ime Log c onsists of a string of
ASCII r ecords s tored i n non-volatile m emory
within th e C- More C ontrol Panel. E vents s uch
as po wer-up, i gnition a nd tur n-off ar e tim e
stamped. Data logged while the unit is r unning
are r un-length e ncoded. Data is lo gged or the
run-length incremented every 30 seconds. For a
new r un r ecord to be logged, t he f ire r ate or
flame s trength m ust c hange b y m ore than 5%,
or the r un mode must change. At steady-state,
the run-length is allowed to reach a maximum of
30 m inutes bef ore th e r ecord is l ogged. T his
means that no more than 30 minutes of data can
be lost if the un it loses power. Table 9-2 shows
a sample Operation Time Log for a boiler:
The Operation T ime Log can only be accessed
through th e RS 232 in terface us ing a l aptop or
other t erminal d evice. Ten oper ation tim e
records ar e d isplayed f or eac h T c ommand
entry. T he op eration tim e lo g c an be c leared
ONLY by factory authorized personnel using the
Clear Log option in the Factory menu.
The Sensor (S) Log can store up to 1200
records. T herefore, to view th e m ost
recently logged record, enter “S” followed
by 0 ( zero) and then press Enter (i.e. S0
reverse c hronological or der, enter S an d
press Ent er. T o go bac k 200 or 7 00
records, enter S20 0 or S700, etc . an d
press Enter.
9.4.3 Sensor Log
The s ensor valu es c an be logg ed a t a d ifferent
rate if needed by setting the Sensor Log Interval
in t he Di agnostics Me nu. T he lo g interval c an
vary from once every minute to onc e every day.
Table 9-3 shows a sample Sensor Log every 5
minutes for a boiler running in Constant Setpoint