Safety precautions – AERCO BMK 3.0 LN Nat. Gas Jan 2011 User Manual
Page 10

If over heating occurs or th e gas s upply f ails to
shut of f, c lose the m anual g as s hutoff val ve
(Figure 1-1) located external to the unit.
The Ins taller m ust identif y and indicate
the loc ation of the e mergency s hutdown
manual gas valve to operating personnel.
After pr olonged s hutdown, it is r ecommended
that the startup procedures in Chapter 4 and the
safety device test pr ocedures in C hapter 6 of
this m anual be performed, to ver ify a ll s ystem-
operating parameters. If there is an emergency,
turn of f the elec trical p ower s upply to th e
AERCO b oiler a nd c lose t he m anual g as v alve
located ups tream the unit . T he ins taller m ust
identify the emergency shut-off device.
Figure 1-1
Manual Gas Shutoff Valve
Boiler Ins tallations within t he Com monwealth of Ma ssachusetts must c onform to the f ollowing
Boiler must be installed by a plumber or a gas fitter who is licensed within the Commonwealth of
Prior to u nit operation, the complete gas train and all connections must be lea k tested using a
non-corrosive soap.
If a gl ycol s olution is us ed as anti- freeze protection, a b ackflow pr eventer must be ins talled
upstream of the Fill/Makeup Valve.
The vent termination must be located a minimum of 4 feet above grade level.
If side-wall venting is used, the installation must conform to the following requirements extracted
from 248 CMR 5.08 (2):
(a) For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in every dwelling, building or
structure used in whole or in part for residential purposes, including those owned or operated by the
Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven (7) feet above
finished grade in the area of the venting, including but not limited to decks and porches, the following
requirements shall be satisfied:
1. INSTALLATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. At the time of installation of the
side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gasfitter shall observe
that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and battery back-up is installed on the
floor level where the gas equipment is to be installed. In addition, the installing plumber or
gasfitter shall observe that a battery operated or hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an
alarm is installed on each additional level of the dwelling, building or structure served by the side
wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to
secure the services of qualified licensed professionals for the installation of hard wired carbon
monoxide detectors.