Chapter 9 - rs232 communication, Rs232 communication, Chapter 9 rs232 communication – AERCO BMK 3.0 LN Nat. Gas Jan 2011 User Manual
Page 71

The RS232 port on the front panel of the C-More
Control Box (Figure 3- 1) can be inter faced to a
laptop computer or other suitable terminal using
a RS2 32 ad apter c able. R S232 c ommunication
can be ac
complished us ing any “ Dumb
Terminal” e mulation, s uch as “ Hyper T erminal”
which is inc luded with Mic rosoft Windows. T he
RS232 c ommunication f eature per mits vie wing
or changing of Control Panel menu options and
also provides access to data logs showing Event
Time Line, Fault and Sensor log displays.
Regardless of the ter minal em ulation uti lized,
the f ollowing guidelines m ust be adh ered t o
when setting up the RS232 communication link:
1. Baud Rate – T he baud r ates w hich c an be
used with the C-More Control Panel are:
9600 (Default)
19.2 K
2. Data Format – The program must be set for:
8 data b its, 1 s top bit , no par ity a nd e ither
Xon/Xoff or No flow control.
Viewing dat a lo gs and viewing or c hanging
Control Panel m enu op tions using R S232
communication is accomplished as follows:
1. Start th e em ulator s oftware pr ogram and
ensure that the specified baud rate and data
formats have been entered.
2. Press the Ent er k ey on the lap top. An
asterisk (*) prompt should appear.
3. At the pr ompt, enter the va lid RS23 2
password (jaguar) in lower case letters and
press Enter.
4. “Welcome to Aer co” will appear in th e laptop
or “ dumb ter minal” dis play with a listing of
the following available entry choices:
M = Display next Menu
D = Display menu items
N = Display next menu items
Cxx = Change item xx
F = Fault log display
S = Sensor log display
T = Time line display
L = Log off
The Leve l 1 pas sword ( 159) m ust be
entered to c hange op tions in the S etup,
Configuration a nd T uning Me nus. T he
Level 2 password (6817) must be entered
to v iew or c hange o ptions in th
Calibration and Diagnostics Menus.
With the exception of the password entry,
all other k eyboard entries c an be m ade
using either upper or lower case.
5. To view the available menus in the top-down
sequence s hown i n F igure 3- 2, enter M
>. T he Menu ti tle a nd f irst 10 options
will be displayed.
6. When vie wing m enus c ontaining m ore than
10 op tions, en ter N
remaining options.
7. Shortcut keys are also available to go directly
to a specific menu. These shortcut keys are:
Default (Operating) Menu
Setup Menu
Configuration Menu
Tuning Menu
Calibration Menu
Diagnostic Menu
8. To change a value or setting for a displayed
menu option, proceed as follows:
(a) Enter C, followed b y the number to the
right of the dis played o ption to be
changed, and then press
(b) Enter the desired value or setting for the
option and press
Chapter 3, T ables 3- 2 t hrough 3-5 f or
allowable entry r anges a nd s ettings f or
the Operating, Setup, Configuration and
Tuning Me nus. ( The Cal ibration a nd
Diagnostic M enus s hould only be used
by Factory-Trained service personnel).