Chapter 2 - installation, Installation, Chapter 2 installation – AERCO BMK 3.0 LN Nat. Gas Jan 2011 User Manual
Page 13

This Chapt er pr ovides t he d escriptions a nd
procedures nec essary t o unpack, ins pect an d
install the AERCO Benchmark 3.0 Boi ler. Br ief
descriptions are also provided for each available
mode of oper ation. Det ailed procedures f or
implementing th ese m odes ar e pr ovided in
Chapter 5.
Each Benchmark 3.0 S ystem is s hipped as a
single c rated unit. T he s hipping weight is
approximately 2,170 pounds. T he un it m ust be
moved w ith the pr oper rigging equ ipment for
safety and to avoid equipment damage. The unit
should b e c ompletely inspected f or e vidence of
shipping damage and shipment completeness at
the t ime of r eceipt f rom the c arrier a nd before
the bill of lading is signed.
AERCO is no t r esponsible f or los t or
damaged freight.
Each u nit has a T ip-N-Tell indicator on th e
outside of the crate. This indicates if the unit has
been t urned on its s ide d uring s hipment. If the
Tip-N-Tell indicator is tripped, do not sign for the
shipment. Not e th e information o n t he c arrier’s
paperwork and r equest a f reight c laim and
inspection b y a c laims adj uster bef ore
proceeding. A ny other v isual d amage to t he
packaging m aterials s hould als o be m ade c lear
to the delivering carrier.
Carefully unpack the unit tak ing c are not to
damage the un it enclosure when c utting away
packaging materials
A close inspection of the unit should be made to
ensure that there is no evidence of damage not
indicated by the Tip-N-Tell indicator. The freight
carrier s hould b e not ified im mediately if an y
damage is detected.
The f ollowing accessories c ome s tandard with
each un it and ar e eit her pack ed s eparately
within the unit’s packing container or are factory
installed on the boiler:
Pr essure/Temperature Gauge
Spar e Ignitor-Injector
Spare Flame Detector
ASME Pressure Relief Valve
Condensate Drain Trap & Adapter `
2” Gas Supply Shutoff Valve
When or dered, o ptional accessories may be
packed separately, pac ked with in the boiler
shipping c ontainer, or m ay be i nstalled on th e
boiler. A ny s tandard or opti onal ac cessories
shipped loose should be identified and stored in
a safe place until ready for installation or use.
Ensure t hat t he s ite s elected f or ins tallation of
the Benchmark 3.0 Boiler includes:
Access to AC Inp ut Po wer corresponding to
the or dered po wer c onfiguration. T he
available power configurations are:
208 VAC, 3-Phase, 60 Hz @ 20 A
460 VAC, 3-Phase, 60 Hz @ 15 A
Access to Natur al G as line at a m inimum
static pressure of 3.5” W.C.(FM) or 4.0” W.C.
(IRI). M aximum static p ressure must n ot
exceed 2 psi.
2.4.1 Installation Clearances
The unit m ust be i nstalled with t he prescribed
clearances f or s ervice as shown in F igure 2-1.
The minimum clearance dimensions, required by
AERCO, ar e l isted below. Ho wever, if Loc al
Building Cod es r equire a dditional c learances,
these c odes s hall s upersede A ERCO’s
requirements. Mi nimum ac ceptable c learances
required are:
Sid es: 24 inches
Front : 24 inches
Rear : 43 inches
T op: 18 inches
All gas piping, water piping and electrical conduit
or c able m ust be ar ranged s o th at t hey d o not
interfere with the r emoval of an y panels, or
inhibit service or maintenance of the unit.