Holtgreven Ohaus Defender Series Bench Scales User Manual
Page 51
5000 Series Indicators
5.2 Output Format
5.3 Printouts
The following sample print outs are generated by the Print button, “P” Command or alternate print command. The content of the
printout is defined in the Print Content menu item. A maximum of 24 characters can be printed on each line.
NOTE: Shaded areas = this date is printed when set on in the Print Content menu.
Unshaded = typical
Weigh Mode Printout Count Mode Printout Percent Mode Printout
Ohaus Corporation
Ohaus Corporation
Ohaus Corporation
19A Chapin Road
19A Chapin Road
19A Chapin Road
P.O. Box 2033
P.O. Box 2033
P.O. Box 2033
Pine Brook, NJ, 07058 USA
Pine Brook, NJ, 07058 USA
Pine Brook, NJ, 07058 USA
Tel: +1-973-377-9000
Tel: +1-973-377-9000
Tel: +1-973-377-9000
01/31/08 12:30 PM
01/31/08 12:30 PM
01/31/08 12:30 PM
Scale ID: 123456
Scale ID: 123456
Scale ID: 123456
User ID: 123456
User ID: 123456
User ID: 123456
Project ID: 123456
Project ID: 123456
Project ID: 123456
10.00 kg NET
Quantity: 100 PCS
Percentage: 10 %
11.00 kg G
11.00 kg G
11.00 kg G
10.00 kg NET
10.00 kg NET
10.00 kg NET
1.00 kg T
1.00 kg T
1.00 kg T
Mode: Weigh
APW 0.1000 kg
Ref. Wt. 100.00 kg
Mode: Count
Mode: Percent
*Each field is followed by a single delimiting space (ASCII: 32)
Weight - up to 9 characters, right justified, “-” at immediate left of most significant character (if negative).
Unit - up to 5 characters
Stability - “?” character is printed if not stable. If weight is stable, neither “?” nor following space is printed.
G/N - “NET” printed if weight is net weight, “G”, “B”, or nothing (depending on GROSS menu setting - Sec. 3.5.7)
printed if weight is a gross weight.
**Terminating Character(s) - terminating character(s) printed depending on FEED menu setting (CR, LF / 4xCR, LF /
ASCII: 12, refer also to Sec. 3.9.5.).
NOTE: If the Print Content – Result menu is set to Numeric Only, the Result output only includes the weight field and the
termination characters.
The default serial output format is shown below.
Field: Weight Space* Unit Space* Stability Space* G/N Space* Term. Char(s)
Length: 9 1 5 1 1 1 N 1 **