Holtgreven Ohaus Defender Series Bench Scales User Manual
Page 27

5000 Series Indicators
3.5.5 Backlight
Set the display backlight functionality.
OFF = always off.
ON = always on.
AUtO = turns on when a button is pressed or the displayed weight changes.
When Auto is selected, set Backlight shut off time.
SEt 1 = backlight turns off after 1 minute of no activity.
SEt 2 = backlight turns off after 2 minute of no activity.
SEt 5 = backlight turns off after 5 minute of no activity.
3.5.6 Auto Off Timer
Set the automatic shut off functionality.
= disabled
SEt 1 = powers off after 1 minute of no activity.
SEt 2 = powers off after 2 minutes of no activity.
SEt 5 = powers off after 5 minutes of no activity.
3.5.7 Gross Indicator
Set the type of gross indicator.
= disabled
G GrOSS = the G icon is lit when gross weights are displayed.
B brutto = the B icon is lit when gross weights are displayed.
3.5.8 End Readout
Advance to the next menu.
3.6 Mode Menu
Enter this menu to activate the desired application
modes. Default settings are bold.
Reset No, Yes
Weigh Off, On
Count Off, On (-> Piece weight optimization (-> On, Off))
Percent Off, On
Dynamic Off, Manual (-> Set 0 … Set 60), Semi-automatic
(-> Set 0 … Set 60), Automatic (-> Set 0 … Set 60)
Checkweigh Off, On
End Mode Exit MODE menu