Holtgreven Ohaus Defender Series Bench Scales User Manual

Page 32

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5000 Series Indicators

3.8.3 Date Set

Set the date.
00 to 99 = year position
01 to 12 = month position
01 to 31 = day position

Refer to Section 3.2 Menu Navigation to enter settings.

3.8.4 Time Type

Set the time format.
24 hr = 24 hour format.
12 hr = 12 hour format.

3.8.5 Time Set

Set the time.
24 hour format
00 to 23 = hour position
00 to 59 = minute position

12 hour format
12 A to 12 P = hour position
00 to 59

= minute position

Refer to Section 3.2 Menu Navigation to enter settings.

(current time blinking)

(Set hours 00 to 23)

(Set minutes 00 to 59)

(current time blinking)

(Set hours 01 to 12 A or P)

(Set minutes 00 to 59)