Hardy HI 1769-FC User Manual
Page 52

Chapter 5
Reference Weight
The total live load on the scale. The calibration process uses a reference point that is
entered into the ladder logic. The reference can be zero (no weight on the scale) or a
known weight, such as a product that will be on the scale. With no weight on the scale,
the Reference Weight is 0.00.
With 5lb of product on the scale, the Reference Weight is 5.00lb. If you do not know the
actual product weight left in the scale a best guess will work. After the calibration the
weight reading will increase and decrease correctly as the weight is changed. When the
scale is empty you can recalibrate the scale to a reference zero.
C2 Calibration Procedures
Step 1.
Perform all pre-calibration procedures listed above.
Step 2.
Configured the instrument for your application. This includes setting
the units, decimal point, scale capacity, averages etc. For instructions
please see Chapter 4, Configuration.
Step 3.
Move the C2 Cal command number to the first word in the Local
output table.
This step establishes the gross zero reference.
The results will appear in a few seconds in the Local input table. The
command number will echo in the first word of the Local input table
and the command status will be found in the second data location in the
Local input table. If the Calibration succeeds, the command status will
be equal to zero. It the command status is not equal to zero, it will
show the error code indicating why the command failed (see command
return error codes table).
Once the command is complete, remove the command number in the
output table.
Step 4.
Always verify any successful calibration with test weights.
Traditional Calibration
Traditional Calibration uses a zero reference point and the physical placement of test
weights on the scale to establish the scale calibration value. Liveload is any product
placed in or on the scale and weighed in the application. The scale is normally empty,
but not necessarily. The Cal Low Weight must be the amount of live load on the scale.
With no weight on the scale, the Cal Low Weight would be 0.00. Allow the scale a wait
period of 12 seconds or more to settle after removing or adding test weights.
Traditional Calibration using commands in the output word zero.
Step 1.
Perform all of the pre-calibration procedures listed above.
Step 2.
Make sure you have configured the instrument for your application.
This includes setting the units, decimal point, scale capacity, averages
etc. For instructions please see Chapter 4, Configuration.
Step 3.
Move the CalLow command number to the first word in the Local
output table.
This step establishes the gross zero reference.