Doepfer DIY Synth do-it-yourself analog synthesizer User Manual
Page 20
DIY Synth Kit
Page 20
User's Guide
How to use the summing inputs
Each voltage controlled parameter (e.g. VCO frequency or VCF frequency) has at least one
control voltage (CV) input available. If the number of CV inputs is not sufficient more inputs
can be added. For this we have to take a look at the input circuit used for all types of control
voltage summing applications. It's nothing but the standard inverting operational amplifier
The voltage appearing at the output is:
- Uout = U1 (Rx/R1) + U2 (Rx/R2) + U3 (Rx/R3) + …
This circuit can be used to add several voltages (U1, U2, U3 …) with selectable sensitivity
(defined by R1, R2, R3 …). Provided that all resistors have the same value (e.g. 100k) the
output voltage is nothing but
Uout = -(U1 + U2 + U3 + …)
This type of circuit is used whenever control voltages or audio signals have to be added (or
mixed) in the DIY Synthesizer. In addition the summing node (i.e. the inverting input of the
operational amplifier) is available as a separate terminal. This allows to expand the number
of CV or audio inputs if the available inputs are not sufficient. For this the additional input has
to be connected to the summing node via a suitable serial resistor (R4, R5 …). Do not
connect a voltage directly to the summing node ! This may destroy the operational amplifer.
In the tables JP2…JP7 that explain the functions of the pin headers the value of the required
serial resistor is mentioned. If the input in question has to be more sensitive the value of the
serial resistor has to be reduced (e.g. 51k or 47k instead of 100k for doubling the sensitivity).
If the input in question has to be less sensitive the value of the serial resistor has to be
increased (e.g. 1M instead on 100k). A typical application are several tuning inputs for the
VCO frequency. A course tune control may be connected e.g. via 100k to the summing node,
a fine tune control via 2M2. In this case the fine tune is about 20 times more sensitive than
the coarse control.